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Hey. Welcome to Airtable School. Glad you're here! This community helps entrepreneurs and professionals organize their business data with Airtable. Airtable is a relational database platform. It's dead simple to learn, has a user interface that you'll actually like, and will help you run your business 10x better. 80% of Fortune 100 companies use Airtable for a reason 😜 This group is new and I'm in the process of creating educational content around Airtable. In the meantime, here are some helpful resources to help you get started if you're new to Airtable: - Get started with Airtable tutorial - Airtable's YouTube Channel - Introduction to Airtable basics Skool (where this community is hosted) also has a mobile app! Get the iOS app here. Get the Android app here
New comment Jun '24
Free Scripts 🧑🏼‍💻
I'm going to save Scripts that I write for members here. Scripts allow you to interact with your Airtable base using code instead of by clicking buttons on the screen. This means you can do things with your data in seconds that would normally take minutes or hours to do. Click the link above to see the available Scripts and how to use them!
New comment 14d ago
I’m looking for talent
🟢are you an expert in creating these airtable databases and take care of the technical aspect? I am looking to connect with you guys personally for getting stuff build & managed for my clients as a service delivery partner we'll be working on per project basics in the start and than if you're more impressive than others, will be giving you a long term contract and partnership
New comment Oct '24
I’m looking for talent
Airtable Task Management & Delegation System 💻
Hey team, I’ve been quit here but I’m sitting at the salon with my girlfriend right now and was scrolling through my skool communities and was like, hey! I should share some value here. I’ve been working out of Airtable for 3 years and love it! Here’s a build of one of my fav systems I’ve built in Airtable, the Task Management & Delegation System. Hope it helps:
Airtable Task Management & Delegation System 💻
Converting Google Sheets Trackers Into Airtable
hi! I am trying to wrap my brain around the best way to recreate a google sheets tracker into airtable. I have a tracker for my business metrics that tracks monthly and a paid ads tracker that tracks daily. Any advice?
New comment May '24
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