Airtable Community
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35 members
Welcome to Airtable School - the leading online community for helping entrepreneurs and professionals build systems that scale.
Why Join Airtable School?
  • 🌐 Interactive Discussion Board: Dive into our dynamic forum, reminiscent of a close-knit Facebook group, where members help each other, share ideas, and discover tips to master Airtable.
  • πŸ“ž Weekly Live Support calls: Join our live Zoom calls where seasoned Airtable enthusiasts and experts answer your specific questions, share insights, and walk you through complex functionalities.
  • πŸŽ“ Comprehensive Courses: From beginners just starting out to seasoned pros looking for advanced strategies, our courses cater to every skill level. Take a deep dive into the world of Airtable and come out an expert!
  • πŸ”„ Innovate with Us: Your feedback drives us! Submit feature requests, vote on them, and get exclusive access to beta test new features
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