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AI SEO Optimization 101
I will release a training on my Advanced AI Protocol soon, resulting in more rankings and traffic for clients while surviving Google Core Updates while many SEOs are losing 80% of their traffic and even quitting the industry... Some things to watch out for and include in your process: - Use SERP analysis, not just keyword volume - Analyze top ten competitors' H2/H3 structure and model (not copy) - Include entities - Include NLP keywords - Include FAQ style questions from People Also Ask section for your keyword - Use Youtube to supercharge everything - Choose the right keywords (use KGR if starting) - use images (Image SEO is BIG) - Use embeds (Youtube, Google Maps, etc.) - Build your own high authority backlinks with cloud links (in course) Get those rankings!
New comment 12d ago
I liked your video on 10WEB. A unique new way to get a website started. Seems like a viable option for certain projects and clients. Will be interested in any tests you do in the future.
New comment 19d ago
A jewelry website seeks assistance with SEO to improve conversion rates.
Hello all, i found this group through YT, I'm looking for someone to handle onsite and offsite seo for my shopify website, please reach out to me with an proposal. thank you.
New comment 19d ago
Important question
IS there anyway i can buy a subscription to courses that come unlocked when i get higher on the leaderboards? thanks
New comment 19d ago
OpenAI's GPT Store and Revenue Sharing - It's Here!
Are you ready to uncover the cutting-edge advancements that are reshaping the tech industry through the AI revolution? Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the groundbreaking innovations brought by big tech companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, and Alibaba. From OpenAI's highly anticipated GPT Store and partnerships with news companies, to Microsoft's co-pilot key and Google's Bard Advanced, and even Alibaba's i2v Gen XL, the world of AI is evolving at an astonishing pace. These remarkable developments are just the tip of the iceberg, hinting at a future where AI will transform industries and our everyday lives in ways we can't even imagine. ### Key Takeaways - OpenAI is launching the GPT store, where users can create and sell custom chat Bots using GPT. - Revenue sharing is an important aspect of the GPT store, with creators of popular GPTs receiving a portion of the revenue. - OpenAI is facing a lawsuit from the New York Times for using their articles in chat GPT, but they are trying to negotiate with news companies to allow training on their news. - Microsoft has introduced the co-pilot key for future keyboards, emphasizing their commitment to integrating AI into their products. - Google is preparing to release Bard Advanced, a premium model with advanced text-to-speech capabilities, and Alibaba has introduced i2v Gen XL, an image-to-video generation model capable of higher resolution and longer videos. ### OpenAI's GPT Store and Revenue Sharing OpenAI's GPT Store, launching next week, offers users the opportunity to create and sell their own custom chat Bots using GPT, with revenue sharing as a key component of this innovative platform. As part of the AI Revolution: Big Tech's Groundbreaking Innovations, the GPT Store introduces an ethical approach to revenue sharing. Creators of the most popular and useful GPTs will receive a portion of the revenue generated from their creations. This incentivizes the development of high-quality chat Bots and fosters a sense of belonging within the creator community.
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