Following 6
Joyce Harris
Central Illinois, USA
• Active 9h ago
Bio: I'm an adventurous 60-something that loves to travel the world and explore human consciousness. I love the metaphysical and enjoy helping people
Enoch Abraham
Atlanta, GA
• Active 15h ago
Bio: I’m interested in learning and applying ways to live my life with independence and freedom!
Cara Thompson
Backnang, Germany
• Active 218d ago
Bio: I help people discover and develop their own unique voice through leadership, frequency, nutrition and breathwork.
Alejandra Aragones
• Active 85d ago
Bio: Physics Engineer with a strong passion for dancing that led me to the health and wellness. Certified as a health coach, mindfulness and cbd.
Ngahuia Hemara-Wahanui
Ōtaki, New Zealand
• Active 237d ago
Bio: My life goal is to help people.
Noah Long
Toronto, Ontario CANADA • INTP
• Active 5h ago
Bio: Sovereign Individual | Breath Coach | Ballet Master | PBT Instructor | Concert Performer
1-6 of 6
Vanessa Naja
I'm a teacher and a student of all the mysteries of life. I teach functional movement, dance, do Human Design Readings and Coaching.

Active 303d ago
Joined Dec 4, 2022
Grenada, West Indies
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