Followers 28
Joyce Harris
Central Illinois, USA
• Active 12h ago
Bio: I'm an adventurous 60-something that loves to travel the world and explore human consciousness. I love the metaphysical and enjoy helping people
Liezel Bredenkamp
Johannesburg, South Africa • INFP
• Active 13d ago
Bio: Kahuna Bodywork Therapist, breathwork enthusiast, curious about all alternative, holistic health and wellness programs.
Paulo Silva
• Active 62d ago
Bio: By training I am an architect, and currently I work as a salesman. I am interested in any subject related to self-knowledge and good humor.
Joan Pont
• Active 141d ago
Bio: Exploring breathing techniques has been a significant part of my personal time, and has led me on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Md Babu
• Active 383d ago
Rachel Pitts
• Active 4d ago
Bio: Mom, IFBB Fitness Pro, Breathwork Practitioner, Mental Management Coach, avid reader, serious Game of Thrones fan
Omhar Penhos kanan
Mexico cancun • ESTP
• Active 330d ago
Bio: i am a singer and transpersonal therapist, I love the love of my live is the people and this wonderful existence! I love be alife I love natural life
Alexandra Schulz
Santiago de Chile • INFP
• Active 6d ago
Bio: health food entrepreneur | breathwork - transpersonal coach | danza primal facilitator | sensitive soul | Love to contribute growing human potential💛
Holly Wiederkehr
• Active 400d ago
Bio: Spiritual Seeker trying to find out more about spirituality/self/heart as opposed to the mind
Aggelis Kosmos
• Active 20d ago
Bio: Proper breathing is key for Kosmos health and wellbeing. It’s not just an activity, but a way to explore, create, and connect with oneself and others.
Stefano Albertella
Switzerland, Ticino • INFJ
• Active 12d ago
Bio: Transformational Breathwork Buteyko Method Instructor. Oxygen Advantage Advanced Instructor in training. I love reading and I am a trail runner.
Julien Fatisson
• Active 169d ago
Bio: I am a breath coach (online and Montreal based) with the mission to make the world a better breather.
Emile Verkerk
Bali, Indonesia
• Active 4d ago
Bio: I'm interested in me, so I can be the best version of me that I can possibly be.
Cindy Emmerson
• Active 114d ago
Bio: Soul seeker looking for my tribe. Needing connections and community in my life 💕 Venturing on a new path of finding myself, my dharma 🙏
Hala Galal
Cairo, Egypt
• Active 93d ago
Bio: I do coaching, Reiki healing. I own & run a wellness center. I love crochet knitting. I am vegan alkaline because I believe returning to nature is key
Rob Hanrieder
• Active 17d ago
Bio: My name is Rob. I am an Intuitive Wellness Coach. Having struggled with anxiety and depression I began my journey to find wealth from within.
Anati Bloch
• Active 24d ago
Bio: I follow my breath, the Tao and Buddhist teachings. I do my best to stay in the present moment, it's where life happens.
Kelly Chadbourne
Dunsborough WestAustralia
• Active 102d ago
Bio: Intuitive ShamanicSacredSpaceHolder guiding individuals towards alignment with their true essence. yoga, breathwork, and transformative practices
Salina Bartunek-Andrews
Los Angeles • INFJ
• Active 36d ago
Bio: I Am an Artist, breathwork & functional movement coach, home educator mom of brilliant people, an alchemist who L O V E S to Rockclimb.
Sana Siddiqui
Lahore, Pakistan
• Active 258d ago
Bio: I love dancing, horses and a challenge.
Rowena Connolly
• Active 296d ago
Bio: To help educate and free as many people and share the powerful healing breathwork offers 💜
Calvin Coyles
• Active 83d ago
Bio: Husband & Father. CEO, Best Selling Author and International Speaker
Enoch Abraham
Atlanta, GA
• Active 5h ago
Bio: I’m interested in learning and applying ways to live my life with independence and freedom!
Rafael Yedid
Yucatan, Mexico
• Active 296d ago
Bio: Business coach, Life coach, Breath coach, Energy healer. Interested in personal wellness and helping others to reach their goals.
Cara Thompson
Backnang, Germany
• Active 217d ago
Bio: I help people discover and develop their own unique voice through leadership, frequency, nutrition and breathwork.
Alejandra Aragones
• Active 84d ago
Bio: Physics Engineer with a strong passion for dancing that led me to the health and wellness. Certified as a health coach, mindfulness and cbd.
Ngahuia Hemara-Wahanui
Ōtaki, New Zealand
• Active 236d ago
Bio: My life goal is to help people.
Steven Mojden
• Active 477d ago
Bio: My mantra is to lead life with love and follow with logic. With the right signals, your body can heal injuries, build muscle, and create good health.
1-28 of 28
Vanessa Naja
I'm a teacher and a student of all the mysteries of life. I teach functional movement, dance, do Human Design Readings and Coaching.

Active 301d ago
Joined Dec 4, 2022
Grenada, West Indies
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