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School of Fitness

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3 contributions to School of Fitness
What the heck am I going to be posting on this page?
Hello! I hope you all are enjoying your week - thanks to everyone for being a part of this community. Less than a week into this journey and we already have over 350 savages on here 🎉 I wanted to get on here and state my intentions for this community at large + set the stage for what is to come. Lets dive in 👇 INTENTION: Our mission is to help every human being a part of this community develop healthy practices and systems that will last them a lifetime. HOW? Through education, support, community, and accountability. We want each of you to develop a practical and sustainable method to handle your mobility, fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle that can allow you to experience life to its fullest. With that said, what I am going to be posting on this page? 1. Courses - many of you have already taken advantage of the 2 courses I currently have available, but I promise there will be much, much more to come. Just as a sneak peek, I am developing a nutrition course, an in depth mobility, and outline a few others to help you all address your aches and pains to keep you training and living your best life. 2. Q&A - I will be giving you exclusive access to live Q&As to answer your most common questions and concerns (and no, I will not be posting these to my social media! these are for this community only) 3. Motivation - I will be sharing both personal and professional life experiences with you all to promote engagement, community, and to hopefully help offer practical ways to navigate those hurdles and obstacles in life. 4. Engagement - I want you all engaging on here as much as possible. Not just with me, but with others as well. That being said, if you ever have a question related to health & fitness OR if you want to share a victory of yours, post it!! We are here to support one another and grow together. 💪 Again, I have so much gratitude for each of you on here and truly hope this provides you a safe place to grow and improve yourself. I am here to help and support you anyway I can 🤙
New comment Mar 28
3 likes • Feb 28
Never stop learning. Looking forward to it.
Hi all, I got a question. I just signed up for Colins daily flo app and are thinking about doing the kettlebell program. My local gym is very crowded even early in the morning so use of minimal equipment is essential for me. Has anyone used the daily flo app ? My question is about mobility, do you just do the movement prep for each day and the weekly mobility day for all of your mobility training ? And what about decompression for each day ? Appreciate your feedback, thanks
New comment Feb 29
1 like • Feb 25
Thanks Colin
Start Here
Hello! Welcome to the Skool of Fitness. The goal of this skool is to help regular people master the art of functional fitness to lose weight, move pain-free, & to discover + empower themselves with the tools they need to find their FLO in life all through free course, self-education, and community. 👉 Start by checking out these links - Classroom - Free eBook: Functional Fitness Secrets - The Daily FLO Subscription (Group Training) - 1:1 FLO Training Academy Coaching (Custom Training) 👉 To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. What style of fitness you are currently doing OR most love (strength, aerobic, power lifting, crossfit, etc) See you in the comments! **Additional Helpful Resources** - Recommended Equipment - My Supplements + Supplement Guide - Kettlebell Calculator
New comment 1d ago
6 likes • Feb 22
Hi, my name is Timmi. Been doing regular bodybuilding for a while but my local is so crowded and I wanted to try a more “holistic” training so I have done kb training for the last 2 months. I like kbs for the full body/core experience it gives but kinda miss some of the muscle building that regular bodybuilding gives. I also bumped into Collins IG profile and like the mix of training tools he uses so thats why I am here. To get huge as a locomotive but agile and strong injury free at the same time 😃
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Timmi Klügel
2points to level up
54 years old dude from Copenhagen.

Active 86d ago
Joined Feb 22, 2024
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