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AI Automation Agency Ninjas

Private ā€¢ 4.2k ā€¢ Free

Royalty Ronin

Private ā€¢ 462 ā€¢ Paid

Academy of Advertising

Private ā€¢ 1.6k ā€¢ Free

Profit Saviors

Private ā€¢ 232 ā€¢ Free

SaaS Visionaries

Public ā€¢ 224 ā€¢ Free

Royalty Rockstars

Public ā€¢ 1.1k ā€¢ Free

Click Send...Get Paid!

Private ā€¢ 109 ā€¢ $79/m

Momentum Society

Private ā€¢ 644 ā€¢ Free

The 7-Figure Entrepreneur

Private ā€¢ 2.3k ā€¢ Free

1 contribution to SaaS Visionaries
With 101 marketing channels to focus on, which one should you start with?
All of them! Iā€™m joking. Donā€™t do that. And donā€™t listen to what the gurus are saying: especially agencies who specialize in one specific channel (when youā€™re a nail gun, everything looks like a roof shingle). Obviously it depends on your stageā€¦ But if youā€™re under $1MM ARR, I would start with the lowest hanging fruit: People who are UNHAPPY with their current tool. Why? Because: You donā€™t need to sell them on why they need your app - theyā€™re already sold on it. You know they have money ( theyā€™re already paying for it) They have the problem you solve. They are in PAIN. The big difference is that the pain they have is around what they DONā€™T like about their current provider. NOT about whatever pain your tool solves. Does that make sense? So the best place to be is where people are looking for an ALTERNATIVE to their current solution. All you need to do is put your solution IN this flow of traffic. (Itā€™s helluvalot easier to find an EXISTING flow of traffic and get in front of it then it is to CREATE your own traffic flow). A real world example: Natalie and I were trying to find a parking space at a restaurant in so Cal. The parking meters there ONLY took coins. Weā€™re not 87 years old, so we donā€™t carry a bunch of coins with us, so we had to go to all the restaurants around us and see if we could withdraw money and have them convert it into coins for us. It was such a hassle. These were nicer restaurants, so itā€™s not like they had buckets of coins in their registers. We spend 30 minutes walking from gift shop to restaurant hoping weā€™d find someone with change. Now, if I needed to make some quick cash, you know what I would do? Thereā€™s a constant flow of traffic, trying to get to make their expensive restaurant reservationā€¦ And a BIG pain (people donā€™t have coins). All I would need to do is walk around with a sign that says: GET COINS HERE And have a backpack full of coins. Iā€™d charge a small fee, and take whatever cash they had and convert it for them.
New comment Mar 6
0 likes ā€¢ Mar 6
What a great approach rather than getting stuck in which channel is "best". It's also possible to build targeting using URLs on Google to target all competitors. Would love to see another post sometime on what you think is the next revenue step above $1M and what the strategy could be then.
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Nikolaij Bjerck
4points to level up
Media Buyer

Active 11h ago
Joined Jan 27, 2024
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