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Nomad School

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48 contributions to Nomad School
Does 'Nomad' in Nomad School Fit Your Goals?
I'm exploring how the 'Nomad' in Nomad School resonates with what you're seeking to achieve and learn. Your journey, goals, and how I can better support them matter to me. Does the nomadic lifestyle aspect inspire you, or are you seeking primarily the skills and community we offer, regardless of the location independence? Your detailed feedback is invaluable – feel free to elaborate in the comments!
42 members have voted
New comment Feb 24
2 likes • Feb 6
I want the option to be able to go wherever I want, whenever I want, but I don't necessarily want to exercise that option. I didn't leave Australia to travel, I left Australia because I didn't like it. Now I want to build a life for myself in Mexico.
What residencies do you have/want and how do you get them?
What residencies, etc have you been able to obtain, are working on or are thinking about? Why? And what do they take to get? I’ll go first. I have Mexican Permanent Residency. I first had to get a 12 month temporary residency. I mostly had to show proof of income or proof of savings, which was fairly easy. Then I have a friend who was able to convert my Temporary Residency to Permanent Residency in 3 days for just $10k. Normally that takes 4 years. Finally, the real reason I’m making this post: I want the option to be able to stay in the Shengen Area long-term. What’s the best way you’ve found to do that? Building a business with friends here, so I can effectively self sponsor for residency in Hungary, but wondering if there are other options
New comment Jul '23
1 like • Jul '23
@Ani Wee Nice. Can never have too many passports 🔥
0 likes • Jul '23
Awww I thought this thread would take off. Shouldn’t everyone either have some kind of residency or be working on one??
5 likes • Jul '23
@Robin Stanley I had a satisfying moment leaving the UK back in November Some border security chick at Heathrow is all interrogation mode inspecting my passport like: "Where are you going??" Me: "Mexico" Her: "How long are you going for?" Me: [pauses, shrugs shoulders, replies nonchalantly] Meh, I don't know. As long as I feel like it Her: [questioning look] Me: I'm a resident Then, I see a flash of pain shoot across her face as she realises that my life is better than hers. She let me pass. 🔥💪❤️
1 like • Jul '23
@Robin Stanley Absolutamente 😂
If you started your DN journey all over again, what would you do differently?
Curious to hear what everyone thinks. Including you @Brett Dev :)
New comment Aug '23
3 likes • Mar '23
I didn’t know where I wanted to move to, so I wasted a lot of time and money travelling around trying to find a new home. I left Australia in March 2022 and I finally settled in Mexico in November 2022. If I could go again, I would have tried harder to choose my destination before leaving.
1 like • Jul '23
@Glory Rich Nice 😊 Last year, I was travelling with Remote Year, which was fun. It was a bit pricey, but it was nice to have travel buddies. I think I realised continuous travel isn't for me. I've actually been away from home for 2 months now and I literally can't wait to get back to Mexico! I have a bad joke I often tell people that sometimes gets a small laugh: "Yeah travelling is cool and everything, but do you know what else is cool? Staying in the same place for a while!"
Seeking Insights on Successful Online Business Models
Hello everyone, I'm eager to learn from the community and gather insights on successful online business models. With a background in web design, particularly in WordPress, I'm currently focusing on certifications and generating income online. If you have experience or knowledge in proven online business models, I would greatly appreciate your input and guidance.
New comment Jul '23
1 like • Jul '23
I know a guy who built an agency that developed Wordpress sites and he's a millionaire getting around with a Rolex Daydate. Don’t know any more details though
1-10 of 48
Matthew Welch
284points to level up
I work with my bros. We're on a mission conquer the world and have as many children as we can possibly afford.

Active 1d ago
Joined Dec 13, 2022
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