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Well Fed Renegades

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Welcome to The Well Fed Renegades community, exclusively for our book buyers, where we are all on a mission to make more sales, to premium clients, at premium prices. Wish to join us? Invest in your copy of the M82 book by clicking here here If you've already ordered your copy, thank you. If you need any help with your order, using this site or accessing material please email This exclusive community is just for M82 book owners. We've run free communities before and they sucked, so we've kept this one exclusive. It's full of business owners just like you, with battle scars, stories, and lessons to share. So engage, ask questions, and support each other. I'll be in this community every day ensuring you are getting the answer to any burning questions you may have. We created this community for two reasons: 1) I'm sure you've read a book before and wished you had an easy way to ask the author a question, or thought 'That's great! But how do I apply it to my situation/business?'. I know I have. So I created a community I wished every good book I've read had. In spite of EBGs reclusive nature, you can ask questions, get help, and most importantly get results. 2) It's an easy way to access 'The Most Unbelievable Free Gift Ever' that comes with every book purchase. Simply click into the classroom and you'll see it staring you in the face. If you want to work with us privately, you can book The Triage. It's a call with myself, so we can get clear on where you are, where you wanna go, and identify the roadblocks in your way. If it all goes well, I'll put you forward for a planning sessions with The EBG so you can get in the weeds together. Oh, and we'll never, ever sell to you unless you ask. That's a promise. You can book that here: I'm always curious as to who the person is behind the order summary I get daily, so please, do me a favour.
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New comment 17d ago
1 like • 24d
@Ana Beard grazie!
1 like • 22d
@Justin Zimmer Hello Justin! I also work in IT, focusing on networks and unified communications, and I offer MSP services for small businesses and do some freelance work for other IT companies and a professional audio/video system installation company. I've also been working with AI in the last few years, especially for speech recognition and automated voice systems. It's interesting that you've worked on call categorization, real-time translation, and are now pivoting to storytelling. I'm in IT but am developing a strong interest in copywriting, especially in English, though I'm an Italian native speaker living in Italy. It seems we have a lot in common, both professionally and in our passions, let's keep in touch!
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Manuel Veronesi
11points to level up
20% Entrepreneur, 20% Freelance, 20% Consultant and 40% Creative. AI and unified communications specialist, focused on phone systems and chatbots.

Active 11h ago
Joined Apr 22, 2024
Torino, Italy
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