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Answering your questions, campaigns, and what not from the post I did 28 days ago. Sorry it's taken a while - I had family over. Anyway, heres a long old answer to all of your challenges, and some un-welcomed critiques of your plans. This will likely end up as a podcast. But cos you guys are here, you get to see it first. Enjoy.
New comment 18h ago
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New comment 19d ago
It's very quiet on here.
What's everyone up to. Anything game changing taking place ,shit that I need to know about?
New comment 18h ago
So I have done experimenting Above is a link to one two posts I put out on LinkedIn. I was aiming to gain attention and then instead of telling everyone how great I am, I tried to challenge people to tell me how I had fucked the job up. If I have fucked it up somehow then I learn about it from people who should know. It turns out only one person replied. He asked for specifics and offered some guidance. Turns out he is currently studying the course I am due to start next year at the same institution. Friendly, helpful and inquisitive. I am messing about with this a little and not spending any real time on it. As stated it is an experiment. The area that improved was the ‘impressions’. Far more impressions than I usually get with any post with fancy pictures and ‘look how great I am bullshite. Let me know your thoughts - after all if you don’t try you don’t know and if you don’t fail you won’t learn! (James Scrase 2024)
I decided to start posting regularly on LinkedIn, even though I'm not sure it's where my ideal clients are. Why? 1) because it helps me in my own process 2) because there are a lot of marketing professionals on LinkedIn. If they know my stuff, it might be easier to work with one of em if I decide to. Sure, I secretly hope it will lead to sales too. What about the magazine you were working on? The LinkedIn stuff will be repurposed for the magazine (reasons 1 and 2).
New comment 1d ago
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