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Created by Landon

MentorEcom by LANDON

Private • 3.5k • Free

La communauté pour ceux qui veulent réussir en e-commerce.


You Probably Need a Robot

Private • 1.4k • Free

2 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer School
Don't forget about cultivating super-fans
When my YouTube channel first started blowing up I got so many messages on email, LinkedIn, Twitter, and internal Slack at work. Like hundreds. I found it super annoying, but I made a big mistake by ignoring them. I didn't realize these things: 1. Yes, people are going to ask for your time, but you can just say no. Most people just want some interaction with you. Just responding and thanking them for being a fan ROCKS THEIR WORLD. 2. It takes like 30 seconds to write a sentence or two. Batching this up, it would only have taken a couple of hours to respond to everybody. 3. Super-fans are your best marketing. They can't shut up about you. They forward all of your stuff to their friends. And when you finally offer something up to them, they are the first people in line to buy. 4. You never know how connected or important your fans can be. I've met so many people that I could not have imagined I would just by responding. A lot of people at work recognize me. When they do, I shake their hand, ask about them, and thank them for being a fan. People recognize me around town and have even asked for selfies. I encourage people to respond to my newsletter emails, and when they do I make sure to respond personally. So make sure when people reach out to interact with you as you start putting yourself out there that you reciprocate. As you get bigger and bigger they will remember these interactions and be your biggest fans. At the pub, they will tell their friends "and I knew him before he got big." And it'll be the best marketing you can ever do for yourself.
New comment May '23
2 likes • May '23
You make a great point, I made the same mistake and it's still hard for me to reply to messages.
How to make money with a free Skool community?
Hey guys, my name is Landon and I started my own Skool community 5 days ago. I already have over 200 members, and I think I can grow it to over 1000 pretty quickly. I have a youtube channel in the e-commerce space in french, and I didn't sell anything to my audience yet. I'm coming here to ask you suggestions on how to monetize my community. - Do I charge 50 bucks a month for a weekly group calls and extra ressources? - Do I charge 2k for a mentorship program? - Should I close people on the phone or through a landing page? Thank you for your help :)
New comment May '23
1 like • May '23
@Eric Evans Yes that’s what I’ve done, I already created a free course that’s available on my YouTube channel and my Skool. But I’m not sure where to go from here. I just feel like the 50$ model is not really worth it as even in a year the customer LTV is under 1k. Might as well sell something for 1 or 2k but not sure what I should offer at this price point. But yes I will do some more digging!
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Landon Limited
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Solutions et marques e-commerce.

Active 10d ago
Joined Mar 15, 2023
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