Second Posting Party of 2025 [POST YOUR LINKS!]
Dear Friends, this is the SECOND POSTING PARTY of the year. 02 of 25! YES we will be doing this 25 times this year.. Hope you can make them all! Go ahead and POST your LinkedIn Post you want us to review in the comments. Here are a few guidelines. 1. Make sure you LIKE this post as soon as you see it. 2. For each post that you COMMENT on, make sure you like that comment! 3. Remove the UTM tracking links from the end of the post. (Anything after the ? from the link delete) 4. If you dont have a new post, post an old post for us to engage with. Dont stress about it. 5. Mention some of the people you met at the event on LinkedIn in the comment of your post for fun 6. Do not say DONE as a comment on this post each time you comment as it will get annoying, a like on each comment is enough please. I appreciate each and every one of you for engaging, liking, commenting and showing up to the event. It means the world to me to have you Here are a few tips for a succesful posting party. 1. Show up on camera to the zoom event. 2. Be active in the Zoom chat 3. Prepare a solid 15 second elevator pitch 4. Drink water so you have energy. 5. Stay for the full event and dont run off in the middle If you can do those 5 things you will be have a great time at the posting party! Thank you for joining us! Here is the LinkedIn page for the posting party. @Rick Kloete @Rick Kloete @Amin Sanaia @Kristi Slack Leisinger @Greg Barber I see you twice btw.