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Agency Accelerator

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17 contributions to Agency Accelerator
HighLevel-Clixlo for $97
I’ve seen a few people saying they wanna use HighLevel but it’s not within their monthly budget limits yet. For those, I saw that Clixlo (HighLevel reseller) has a promotion of $97 LIFETIME deal. (Supposedly ending today -but was also ending yesterday, so… 😂) Besides support not being prompt (several hours to days to reply), I saw no significant issue. SMS, emails, calls… all those extras you’d pay on GHL you still pay there. But being $97 lifetime deal, instead of $97/mo sounds like a great way to get started using GHL. I decided to go with an alternative structure altogether, but leaving it here because GHL is definitely great.
New comment Feb 5
0 likes • Feb 1
How does this work?!
STOP saying it's not possible
I need you to do me a favor this weekend and have a good hard talk with yourself about the words, thoughts, and ideas circulating around inside your mind. The voices in your head saying that you're not smart enough, not talented enough, not good enough. Because the voices are WRONG. And all they're doing is holding you back from taking the necessary actions required for you to get to the next level. You think getting to 10K per month (or 100K per month) in your agency is impossible? It's not. THOUSANDS of others have done it and they're no more special, lucky, or smarter than you. You think money is hard to get? It's not. The Federal Reserve printed approximately $3.3 trillion in 2020 alone. Money is everywhere. You think you're selling your soul by making offers that encourages your clients to pay for your services? You're not! And if they don't hire you do you wanna know what they're gonna do with the money instead? Probably buy a new TV, or a trip to Mexico, or spend it on fancy clothes. So hiring you is a MUCH better use of their cash because you're at least committed to helping them get a result. I believe in you. And you should too. You got this. Adam
New comment Dec '23
2 likes • Nov '23
Thank you Adam!
4-Steps To 10K/Month Agency Success
Look, we've all been there. You’re either knee-deep in Udemy and Coursera courses or are in the dreaded "analysis paralysis" phase trying to map out total world domination via Google Docs before getting started. And let’s not forget the oh-so-common, “I’m just doing this... and that.... and oh.... yeah, everything else too!” syndrome. The mistaken belief that the more you do, the better you prepare, the more you consume, the better off you'll be. Not only is this not true, it's one of the biggest obstacles that's stopping you from hitting your goals and smashing through 10K, 20K, yes even 100K months in your agency. So here's how to fix it: 1. Find Your Sweet Spot 🎯: Stop trying to be the Swiss Army knife of marketing. Whether it’s lead gen, Facebook ads, or SEO, pick one and own it. This is even more important when it comes to your niche (but more on this in point #3) 2. Software? Keep It Simple, Silly 🛠️: Seriously, you don't need a NASA-grade dashboard. Start small, maybe even free. As you grow, the tools can too. I use this 3. Niche Down, Profits Up 💰: Whether you're in Peru or Peoria, find a market that’s underserved and become the go-to guru. Want to know a secret? It’s easier to be a big fish in a small pond. 4. Stop Overthinking & Start Doing 🏃‍♀️: The best learning is on-the-job. Courses and mentors are great, but doing the actual work? That’s the fast track to success, my friend. Our motto inside of our "Client Connect" program is MIA (massive imperfect action). As the great Stoic philosopher Epictetus said, “We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.” Your future is in YOUR hands. So what are you going to do with it? Let's go! Adam
New comment Nov '23
3 likes • Oct '23
I love this. It’s speaking directly to me. Thanks Adam!
What is the ONE thing you are going to do this week to grow your agency?
Let me know in the comments below. Suggestions include: -Call potential prospects -Send marketing audits to potential clients -Ask existing clients for referrals -Create content for social media with a CTA that says "contact me for help" -Interview potential clients asking what their biggest and most frustrating problem is
New comment Nov '23
3 likes • Oct '23
I’m going to explore, examine, and experiment with 10-20 businesses and evaluate their socials, websites, and any ads running for them.
Cold Email Setup
Hey guys! If you plan to launch cold email campaigns for your agency, I've created a 7-step process for setting up your domains using GoDaddy and Google Workspace. This is a quick overview 1. Adding domain into Google Workspace and verifying it 2. MX Record 3. SPF 4. DKIM 5. DMARC 6. Website Forwarding 7. Add Users I've explained this in detail in this YouTube video.
New comment Oct '23
0 likes • Oct '23
Thanks I’ll watch this after work.
1-10 of 17
Dante Bloxam
10points to level up
Retired dropshipper who is getting into the digital marketing industry.

Active 64d ago
Joined Oct 3, 2023
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