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Mindset Monday (with Alex) is happening in 3 days
The BEST Cold Email Blueprint for Agencies
We get a LOT of questions about how to use cold email to get high-paying agency clients so @Dave J Crawford put together a new training video here I highly recommend checking out: I think you're really going to find it valuable! Talk soon, Adam
The BEST Cold Email Blueprint for Agencies
🚨Follow Community Rules: Avoid Being Banned
🙋🏻‍♂️ Hey there, incredible community members! As we've watched our community grow, I've noticed a bit of a trend that's been creeping up on us – WAY too much self-promotion. So, here are a few ground rules to make sure everyone gets the most out of this fantastic community we've built together. ❌ No Selling Zone: Keep the community forum and DMs clear of direct selling. Anyone sending DM's to members pitching their services will be banned immediately (if you see this happening shoot me a screenshot). ❌ No Self-Promotion: I know, I know, your content is probably earth-shattering, and we'd all be better off seeing it. But let's keep our posts focused on adding value and sparking discussions. ❌ Lead Magnets? Let's Not: Giving away freebies? Fantastic! Just make sure it's a straight-up direct link or download right there in your post. No optin pages, no "message me to get it". Remember, these rules aren't about putting up walls; they're about building bridges. We're here to support each other, learn from one another, and create a space that's as enriching as it is enjoyable. So, let's keep the vibes positive and the community thriving. Adam
New comment May 15
Bible: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (Brotherhood)
Let's create a brotherhood. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. I am done trying to push through alone. God hasn't made us to be alone. There is a reason He didn't only created Adam. Therefore I am looking to team up with a brother(s), so we can push each other beyond our limits. Currently, my main goals goal are to successfully launch an agency, help as many people as possible, and retire my mum. Share you goals and aspirations in the comments and let's see if our purposes align (and possibly even team up).
Need help with my offer!
Hey guys! I’m new here and I’m struggling with crafting a good offer, thought I’ll seek some advice here. My name’s Jerome, and I co-run an agency that helps other agencies schedule calls on autopilot. As for the service delivery side, we’re pretty much settled as we have the infrastructure (AI automations, conversational AI etc) to practically guarantee any agency owner 100 to even 200+ booked calls in 90 days, depending on niche etc. We have clarity on our price, systems, onboarding, but the only thing that is lacking is a compelling offer. Would greatly appreciate advice on offer creation in general, and i aim to craft a great offer before we start blasting out emails/ running paid ads.
New comment 10h ago
Funnel feedback
Hello AA Fam! If you have to give a little feedback, I would love your thoughts on these two funnels. Thanks in advance. 1. 2.
New comment 1d ago
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