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27 contributions to Agency Accelerator
I'm probably gonna choose an HVAC Niche. Does anyone have any tips or guidance they can offer for me?
New comment Mar 5
1 like • Feb 25
@Jb Floyd is going for the same niche. Maybe you guys can help each other, exchanging ideas.
Niche choices
I think I am going to focus on HVAC service providers. Any thoughts?
New comment Feb 25
1 like • Feb 21
Good choice. They are one of the groups in construction that make the most money. The downside is that because they make money, they are also some of the contractors with the best websites out there (I’d say them, electricians, and low voltage guys). What service your agency offers?
1 like • Feb 25
@Jb Floyd gotcha. I’ve been seeing an insane amount of leads generation agencies in the past few months. Just yesterday I saw 3 pitches for leads inside the construction FB Groups I’m at. Wishing you the best of luck!
Email alias
Hey everyone, does an email alias count as a 'different email' for example if my email sending limit is 50, and I have 50 different aliases is the limit 2500 or 50? Bit of a technical question here.
New comment Mar 5
0 likes • Feb 21
@Chris Mitev there’s a tool for setting up free emails with your domain. Totally forgot the name, pls DM me and I’ll look for it for you. Totally free, allows catch all emails (which will be helpful), and will let you forward emails to your Gmail account and setup reply/send emails with your domain emails from within Gmail.
🚨Follow Community Rules: Avoid Being Banned
🙋🏻‍♂️ Hey there, incredible community members! As we've watched our community grow, I've noticed a bit of a trend that's been creeping up on us – WAY too much self-promotion. So, here are a few ground rules to make sure everyone gets the most out of this fantastic community we've built together. ❌ No Selling Zone: Keep the community forum and DMs clear of direct selling. Anyone sending DM's to members pitching their services will be banned immediately (if you see this happening shoot me a screenshot). ❌ No Self-Promotion: I know, I know, your content is probably earth-shattering, and we'd all be better off seeing it. But let's keep our posts focused on adding value and sparking discussions. ❌ Lead Magnets? Let's Not: Giving away freebies? Fantastic! Just make sure it's a straight-up direct link or download right there in your post. No optin pages, no "message me to get it". Remember, these rules aren't about putting up walls; they're about building bridges. We're here to support each other, learn from one another, and create a space that's as enriching as it is enjoyable. So, let's keep the vibes positive and the community thriving. Adam
New comment 18d ago
6 likes • Feb 12
Yeah, the amount of DMs offering service has definitely been annoying. Hopefully they’ll slow down now.
What should i do now?
I recently had a chat with an admin of a realtors facebook group with 21K active realtors. - He agreed on a 50-50 split in profits if i convert them. - How can i convert those people inside the group. - Can anyone suggest a how can i make them buy my services?
New comment Feb 11
0 likes • Feb 9
@Abhilash Reddy I would run a giveaway. Something that would get you exposure to the participants’ community (they are likely connected to other realtors) on their largest social platform. I’d make it quick -as in less than a week- to have a winner. And I’d still offer limited time specials for the group. Maybe a different offer per month, the first 2-3 months, also short-lived, just to boost your exposure in the group. And in between those I’d be posting super helpful tips every day, and post mind-blowing results or video examples with a “book a call to get this for your realtor business!” CTA -with calendar link on each post’s comment. 90 days is usually the time we take to evaluate of things are really working or not in marketing, so I’d try to do this for 3 months.
0 likes • Feb 11
@Abhilash Reddy no problem. Best of luck!
1-10 of 27
Kelly Brito
31points to level up
20+ years Branding Consultant.

Active 64d ago
Joined Nov 22, 2023
New Jersey
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