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32 contributions to Agency Service Scaling Kings👑
Ads without organic content doesn’t work
Hey guys I’ve been seeing a lot of videos in YouTube of ads and some videos said that ads without organic content like reels , TikTok,etc doesn’t work But other videos said that only ads works well What are your thoughts?
New comment 7h ago
1 like • 12h
Everyone says that the best time to start youtube channel is yesterday, but it is not for everyone, I don't think I will ever start yt channel. Reels and tik tok maybe will do on clients behalf.
How to fire a client and start saying "NO"
Yo guys, I'm in trouble. Long story short, I'm in Real Estate but in november I signed a solar client only on a pay-per-performance. The leads were coming, but after almost 1000€ in adspend he confessed that he just sent a quote and nothing more to almost 40 people. All of his works came from bigger solar vendors since he is transitioning from being a sub-contractor, so there wasn't even a proper inbound funnel. (I should have expected that) However, we kept goin'. I sold him an website and I offered to call the leads myself, but nothing changed. I was just more stressed than ever. So that brings us to today. We stopped advertising after 2000€ spent & no results, and I offered to build a new funnel from scratch, while he asked me to completely revamp the website and to come up with a new content strategy for socials. That's a lot of work, and it's already affecting the service delivery for my real estate clients. It's not the time, but mostly the mental challenge of jumping everyday from real estate thinking to solar, back and forth. In retrospective, I was so stupid taking this client on board. I broke the 3 main commandments of a successful marketing agency: 1. specialise in one niche 2. don't overpromise, but overdeliver 3. don't take inexperienced clients, that need more than just client acquition I've been through 2-3 weeks of complete darkness, where this situation was consuming me at all levels. Just recently I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, firing the client, but don't know how to do it. I feel guilty for the 2k spent on advertising, but I'm not sure how to turn things around. My idea was proposing a reactivation campaign as a "breakup gift", hoping that he at least makes a breakeven ROI. But again, don't really know how to deal with it. Do you guys have any suggestions? p.s. please, don't sign too shitty clients, even in the beggining, 'cause it will backfire 🥲
New comment 17h ago
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I think @Uncle Jimmy Mitchell said if you gave him some leads/appointments but he didn't close them, he won't be mad at you- especially in this situation where, if i got it right, it was also his fault for not doing FUP with leads.
0 likes • 19h
@Dimitri Tuculeanu If you agreed that he has to do something and that is your term for guaranteeing that i think it is his fault and i am sure he realizes that too.
Getting my first client
Is anyone here skilled in the client acquisition process and could potentially help or guide me into getting my first client for my marketing agency?
New comment 7h ago
3 likes • 20h
What @Zyad Chergou said + focus on sales, a lot of people only pay attention to appointment booking but forget all about the sales process which is equally important.
4 likes • 19h
Also one more thing, i would recommend removing media from your business name if it is not too late, I made this mistake, it's kind of late now to change it, but if you didn't set everything up I would recommend changing it because it puts peoples guard up. For example if they ask you on a cold call which company are you with and you say XYZ Media they often just say no thanks we don't need any media/not interested...
Facebook Outreach Question
Starting Facebook outreach and just wanted to ask, based on your experience, what would be the upper limit for sending requests daily from the account that's been active for 5+ years, and ultra active for the past 6 months? It's my personal account and I optimised it for the outreach (excluded all the details that could lead them to the conclusion that I want to sell them anything, here it is: So, what would be the number of friend requests that I should aim for daily without getting restrictions? 30, 40, 50? Also, let me know if you have any advice for the optimisation of my profile.
New comment 20h ago
1 like • 23h
20-25 cold outreaches per day. 15 Follow Ups in the afternoon and 15 more in the PM. This is per account.
Cold Outreach KPIs
Quick questions guys how many DMs or cold calls would you send before you get to the conclusion that you need to change something? How big of a data set do you need until you can go ahead and change it and what KPIs should I be tracking for cold calls and cold DMs? Any input is welcome and thank you in advance fellas.
New comment 20h ago
1 like • 23h
Cold Call for me is 2% abr, I think that everything above 1% is good
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Aleksa Sretenovic
12points to level up
18 Yo, born and living in Serbia.

Active 8h ago
Joined May 7, 2024
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