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67 contributions to A.I. Royalty Rockstars
2 cheap/free transcribe methods (great for Claude projects!)
These are especially useful for my guidebook producing endeavors. Part of my process to produce a guidebook is transcribing video and audio trainings from a partner’s course. Then I feed those docs into Claude ai projects. With some back and forth prompting, I can turn out chapters that read like they were written by a real person. These 2 methods won’t identify different speakers like Otter ai does. So just know that going in. But you won’t need that function for one-speaker vids anyway. You don’t really need them for multi-speaker vids either… at least I haven’t noticed a drop-off in Claude output quality using these transcriptions with unidentified multiple speakers. So anyway thought I’d share. I have the fantastic @Marcus Karl to thank for showing me this first one. If you have a Slack account, just upload the video file in a slack message and send to yourself. It automatically transcribes after a few minutes. Then click view the transcription and copy/paste into a doc or txt file. The other method is completely free with just a few more steps. Use a free CapCut account to upload your vid. Click the transcription button on the sidebar. Then select the auto-generate captions option. Once the captions complete, just click into the little caption icon where you can download them into a text file. Voila! Ready to upload to Claude. Have another method? Do share.
New comment 22d ago
2 cheap/free transcribe methods (great for Claude projects!)
1 like • 23d
@Daniel Iversen Awesome. Thank you!
Wanna Get Your Mojo Bearings With A "Mojo Mind Map"? 🗺️
Hi there Royalty Rockstars Does anyone else feel like Travis dropping Mojo wisdom is like drinking from a firehose? 😅 After getting lost in the 10+ hours of video of just ONE Mojo course (and there are many!), I had an idea... What if there was a "Mojo Mind Map" - a simple way to: - Instantly find any Mojo concept across all courses - See how everything connects (like Triangle of Insight → Circle of Money → CAP) - Never waste time hunting for that one crucial Mojo nugget again 👇🏻 Vote below and help me decide if this is worth creating por favor! If we do it, I'll make it super easy to navigate the entire Mojo universe (and maybe throw in some Easter eggs Travis has dropped in random places 😉)
23 members have voted
New comment 21d ago
Wanna Get Your Mojo Bearings With A "Mojo Mind Map"? 🗺️
0 likes • Dec '24
I laugh every time I look at your gif. Never fails
I’m turning courses into royalty-slinging Guidebooks with A.I.
With the holidays and feeling under the weather lately, I haven’t posted much. But in between naps and getting up to blow my nose, thought I’d share a little epiphany if you will. I produced a book for a partner this year based around his podcast episodes. We launched on Amazon in January. We split the royalties 50/50. My outta-pocket monetary expense to produce the book was probably only a couple hundred dollars. (Woulda been more but I sold a bonus chapter and a couple advertisement spaces on the bonuses page to cover costs) Since then we average a couple hundred dollars in royalties every month… sometimes more, sometimes less. Looking at $220 for December. I get $110 of that. And there’s not much button pushing I have to do for it anymore. It’s evergreen money coming in, for a deal I set up and work I did once. I don’t see it slowing down anytime soon. Now a hundo might not be much to some. But I’ll take a hundred bucks a month recurring for work I did one time, and not have to push buttons to make it come in. Anyway, I just thought it was cool. Here I am, feeling like poo, neglecting a few things until I feel better, and still getting paid royalties. lol Now this is an AI group so let me tie into that. The only AI used for this book was for video transcriptions. But, turns out my partner approached me about producing a series of “Guidebooks” based on his video course modules and trainings. We started guidebook #1 around the first challenge people run up to that his course solves. (I think we can pull out 5 guidebooks total over time) Where the original book was more strategy, these guidebooks are the tactical how-to’s. How-to guides are pretty popular on Amazon. Plus the nature of the “how-to” makes it super easy to write with AI using a combo of Claude dot ai and ChatGPT. It took me longer than this, but I’m convinced with a little extra focus without interruption, I could have produced the full guidebook in 3-5 hours tops. I’ve got the first one DONE, just being reviewed by my partner.
New comment 2d ago
I’m turning courses into royalty-slinging Guidebooks with A.I.
What are we doing
Hey guys, great community! Just to make sure I understand our goal, we are essentially purchasing the rights to digital products through licensing agreements. Then, we find distributors (people with audiences), and we sublicense these digital products to them to earn royalties. This this correct? Hoping to hear your input guys!
New comment Dec '24
5 likes • Dec '24
Hey @Raymond Leo , good question. That's one way to do it for sure. There's a gazillion other ways too haha. Check out the welcome post, it explains a lot You're correct, we do focus on digital products (digital IP) because we can rent it as many times as we want to as many people as we want. If we don't already have a product, we can make a deal to gain control of the product (Not necessarily purchase). Then put that product into distribution, as you said... people with audiences. If we do have a product and don't want to find distribution ourselves, we can team up with someone that will handle that. Sometimes an easier approach is to start with distribution FIRST. Find out what challenges their audience are running up against and being underserved, and then go find a product that solves it. Either way we go about it, we can make "dreamy" deals with just about anyone on all sides of the table (product, middle man, distribution) for recurring royalties.
2 likes • Dec '24
@Leon Hatzenbihler maybe even a gazillion 'n one!
Great question from a Rockstar
@Raymond Leo asked a great question about what we're doing in this group. I left my input but being the diverse crowd that we are, I would like your perspectives. If you got a sec, sure would appreciate ya dropping your thoughts on his post here.
New comment Dec '24
Great question from a Rockstar
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Adam Ayer
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Rainmaker, Investor, Matchmaker with no-risk cashflow campaigns & profitable licensing collabs. All on my dime. Paid after $'s in your acct. SHOGUN ⛩️

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