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RIA Operators

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13 contributions to RIA Operators
How Do You Handle Multiple Conference Rooms
This has always been a popular question, and I am VERY curious as to how you are tackling this right now within your CRM. Do you use a category or type? Add another "user" to your database? Create an Activity/Task Template the prefills the subject in a specific way? A completely different method not mentioned? Let me know what you chose to use in your CRM and how effective it's working for you!
Start Here
*It has been a while since we started this community, so we thought it is a great opportunity for everyone to reintroduce themselves! For those of you who are new WELCOME to the RIA Operators community. The goal of this community is to connect with other RIA Operators, Owners, Founders and CSA’s to learn and grow from one another. Start by checking out these links: - Classroom - Calendar - Monthly Value Calls - Work with Simplicity Ops We want this space to be a network of resources for you. So, please comment below and introduce (or re-introduce) yourself. Let us know: 1. Where are you from? 2. What type of Advisory firm do you work at? 3. What’s your biggest pain point right now in your firm? See you in the comments!
New comment 26d ago
4 likes • Feb 27
Hi Everyone! My name is Katherine Beltran, but I go by Kat, KB, or KT! I am from sunny Phoenix, Arizona. I am the lead coach/relationship manager here at Simplicity Ops. I spend my days helping firms improve their processes, create consistency and efficiencies for day to day activities, and help answer questions that arise in our community! Like anyone else I struggle with the amount of hours in the day, but try to come up with easy solutions to give me back some time. I am a big Disney person, and I absolutely love traveling to new destinations! In my spare time I love to bake, paint, swim, and play video games with the niece and nephews!
Zapier | Calendly | Redtail
Is anyone using Zapier with Calendly and Redtail? I have a question about how to create a Zap when someone cancels or reschedules via Calendly and how to update it on Redtail using a Zap. TIA
New comment Feb 21
0 likes • Feb 21
@Lauren Linn Throwing in my two cents here as well. I personally use GReminders as it syncs directly with the Redtail calendar. There are other major factors that really makes GReminders the easy decision for calendar integration; however, to Joe's point, Redtail has recently released Sync Suite which directly connects Outlook to Redtail. You need to be on Redtail's Growth Plan to have access to it, but this would push any Calendly booking that you have in Outlook immediately over to Redtail's calendar which would bypass the need to have another integration connect the two platforms.
Recently Received Question: Can you change the Tag Group Name in Redtail?
Yes! 1. Click on “Contacts” on the left navigation menu. 2. Click on “Lists” on the top menu. 3. Click on “Tag Groups”. 4. Find the Tag Group you wish to update. 5. Click on the Action Icon to the left of the name (little circle with a down arrow). 6. Click on “edit”. 7. Update the Name field then click on the green “Update tag group” button.
Recently Received Question: How do you update the Family within Redtail?
Go to the contact record and click on the family name. This should appear towards the top of the page right after it says “married to…” To change the Head of Household: Click on the little gear icon on the far-right side of the page. 1. Click “Change Head” 2. Click on the family member that should be the Head of Household. 3. Click on "reset family head" To change the role or delete a family member, 1. Click on the micro-family tree icon in the space of the contact. 2. Click “remove from family.” 3. Another pop-up will appear and again click on “remove family member.”
1-10 of 13
Katherine Beltran
38points to level up
Lead Coach at Simplicity Ops

Active 16h ago
Joined Dec 5, 2022
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