Clare Belmont
Q&A musings
Q&A musings
Thank you or your time & energy it was a great session.
It was my intention after 6 months travelling to get grounded & back in the game.
I'm finding the people who inspire and motivate me, and vice versa, we amplify each other in these communities.
So all of this came up for me through the session so thanks to anyone who contributed, I felt to share it because this community was the catalyst so...
It was a delight to drop into the Q&A session through breath and stillness. I have much respect as I always felt very niche and a bit woo opening my sessions in a ceremonial way, and I hid my practices from a corporate world for too long.
I believe deeply in crosshing thresholds into sacred space to get into that flow & focus. These simple techniques attune us to higher levels of mind, so I'm really open right now to walking that path with others like us!
Candidly, even after 20 years on both a spiritual and professional path I struggle with money as a motivation. I always have an abundant lifestyle and somehow the money happens or things show up to meet my needs, so I have complete faith in that. I know how I want to feel and use visualisation daily to call in that timeline (right now I'm diving into Hypnosis & Quantum jumping whch is pretty epic).
This said, I also have a logical mind that wants financial stability again. I've been a digital nomad for many years, freelancing, travelling and loving it. I've launched a coaching business but dance in an industry driven by '10K months' and '$$$ to work with me (no offence Mario I wouldn't be here if I wasn't curious)', past conditioning of lack mentality causes my stomach to churn.. at the same time it's appealing. Because it's not about the $$$, it's about the lifestyle and freedom it brings. How do I want to feel. Which I sustain by grace I guess. I have an abundant mindset so I'm playing with this paradox of financial security vs trust in the great mystery.
Anywhoo my main motive is to really see who/what sparks and inspires, follow the curiosity, and keep on keepin on.. chop wood carry water.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far and well done for being and exceptional being (for just being).
Caio for now
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