Vincent Robin
Help UnrealEngine 5: import 3D tracked camera
15d ago (edited) in Tutorials
Help UnrealEngine 5: import 3D tracked camera
Hi everybody馃憢
I'm having trouble importing a 3D camera tracking from AE to UE5.
I've followed lots of tutorials in which you normalize, export to C4D and then import into UE5, but the dimensions are messed up and the camera movements are too fast. I was able to tinker by reducing the size using objects as a reference but
the problem is that the speed is wrong.
I've seen that you can export to FBX using Blender rather than C4D.
How would you go about it?
My aim is to integrate a live action character followed by the camera into a CG environment.
(I'll attach a video to illustrate my project).
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