Today, I accomplished the following (feb 5): ☀️ Early Start: Woke up at 6:00 AM 📚 Learning Time: Next js 📝 Task Management: Organized my schedule and prioritized tasks for the day. 🏋️ Movement Check:✅ . 👐 Helping Hand: ❌ 📜 Chapter 3 : Abandonment is different from rejection—it involves leaving or distancing oneself rather than pushing someone away. The wound of abandonment is rooted in feelings of neglect, often stemming from childhood experiences such as a parent prioritizing a new sibling, being frequently absent for work, or hospitalization. This emotional pain can lead to the development of a protective "mask" to avoid future hurt. The abandonment wound is often linked to the parent of the opposite sex, while rejection is associated with the same-sex parent. Many individuals feel abandoned due to a withdrawn or emotionally unavailable parent, which can create a deep-seated fear of being left alone. Some people experience both wounds, feeling rejected by one parent and abandoned by the other, leading to long-term emotional struggles.