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Coaching Call w/ Sonny is happening in 11 hours
Day 2 of Dev100
I forgot to post! He's a throwback of yesterday (Feb 10): ☀️ Start: Woke up at 8:00 AM 📚 Learning Time: I did 1.5 hours of Sonny's Javascript course! I found currying functions are weird as, so need to look at more use cases. 📝 Task Management: Was a crazy day, went to the Drake concert and turned up! 🏋️ Movement: Lot's of dancing
New comment 3h ago
Day 22 of Hundy
Today, I accomplished the following (Feb 8th): ☀️ Early Start: slept in until 7:30 AM 📚 Learning Time: played around with Tempo Lab to build websites 📝 Task Management: all-day LLM prompt engineering learning 🏋️ Movement Check: ✅. 👐 Helping Hand: helped wife making lunch 📜 Quote : Being a child of God is being kind to others, including yourself
New comment 11h ago
Day 37 Of dev 100
Today, I accomplished the following (feb 5): ☀️ Early Start: Woke up at 6:00 AM 📚 Learning Time: Next js 📝 Task Management: Organized my schedule and prioritized tasks for the day. 🏋️ Movement Check:✅ . 👐 Helping Hand: ❌ 📜 Chapter 3 : Abandonment is different from rejection—it involves leaving or distancing oneself rather than pushing someone away. The wound of abandonment is rooted in feelings of neglect, often stemming from childhood experiences such as a parent prioritizing a new sibling, being frequently absent for work, or hospitalization. This emotional pain can lead to the development of a protective "mask" to avoid future hurt. The abandonment wound is often linked to the parent of the opposite sex, while rejection is associated with the same-sex parent. Many individuals feel abandoned due to a withdrawn or emotionally unavailable parent, which can create a deep-seated fear of being left alone. Some people experience both wounds, feeling rejected by one parent and abandoned by the other, leading to long-term emotional struggles.
New comment 11h ago
Day 23 of Hundy
Today, I accomplished the following (Feb 9th): ☀️ Early Start: Got outta bed at 6:30 AM 📚 Learning Time: reviewed approach to solution using OCR and markdown 📝 Task Management: planned out work day and activities 🏋️ Movement Check: ✅. 👐 Helping Hand: helped deliver package for mom 📜 Quote : It's not about chasing happiness but rather living in a way that happiness finds you
New comment 23h ago
Day 36 Of dev 100
Today, I accomplished the following (feb 5): ☀️ Early Start: Woke up at 7:00 AM 📚 Learning Time: ❌ 📝 Task Management: Organized my schedule and prioritized tasks for the day. 🏋️ Movement Check:✅ . 👐 Helping Hand: ❌ 📜 Chapter 3 : Fear of Abandonment
New comment 2d ago
Day 36 Of dev 100
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