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Hydration in Older Adults
According to a recent National Institutes of Health study, eBioMedicine examines how adults who stay well-hydrated may be healthier and develop fewer chronic conditions. Hydration is one of those things most of us don't think about. If we are thirsty, we drink. Simple, right, but not for everyone. It may be more difficult for older people to get enough fluid. As we age, we do not have the same sense of thirst, and the body naturally has less water. Water is vital for a healthy body. Here are a few tips to improve hydration: Start first thing in the morning, taking little sips throughout the day. Use an attractive, comfortable vessel to hold; it can go with you. Mix it up by adding flavor to the water, but be mindful of too much sugar—a splash of fruit juice and just enough flavored water with a slice of fruit🍋 will do the trick. Add foods high in water💦, such as watermelon🍉, celery🥗, or cucumber🥒. If someone is living with a chronic condition such as heart failure, always check with your HCP before increasing hydration. "Water is the only drink for a wise man."- Henry David Thoreau.
New comment Feb 29
Hydration in Older Adults
🌟Welcome to The Nest🌟 Start Here!
🌟 Welcome to The Nest! 🌟 We're so excited to have you join our community. We'd love for you to introduce yourself to help us grow closer and build a robust and supportive network. Sharing a bit about who you are helps us foster a sense of connection and understanding, which is at the heart of The Nest. Caregiving can often feel like a solitary journey, but here in The Nest, you're never alone. We believe in the power of community to provide comfort, support, and a sense of belonging. Whether you're here to seek advice, share your experiences, or find a listening ear, you're in the right place. So, please tell us a little about yourself - your interests, caregiving journey, or anything else you'd like to share. We're all here to support each other and look forward to getting to know you better! Where are you from? Are you a family caregiver or healthcare professional? What is the biggest challenge at the moment? What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? Let's make The Nest a warm and welcoming space for all caregivers. 🤗💕
How Old Are You?
This is a great video shared with me by one of my colleagues. I wanted to share it with all of you as it is and eye-opening reminder of how our society views aging.
New comment 1d ago
How Old Are You?
An Unexpected Diagnosis
The Unexpected Diagnosis: A Family's Journey We never expect a bomb to drop like this one. We are going in for a routine medical exam and walking out with the world's weight on our shoulders. Your family is starting a journey they didn't ask for and don't want – with hospital visits, hospice care, grief, sorrow, and tears. But it doesn't have only be rainy days! You can create beautiful memories to cherish and turn your love and concern into positive actions. Sarah's Story: The Patient Sarah Thompson, a vibrant 45-year-old mother of two from Newport, Oregon, had always been the picture of health. Her world shattered when a routine check-up revealed stage 4 cancer. Sitting in the sterile doctor's office, the words "terminal" and "6 months" echoed in her mind. In the days that followed, Sarah oscillated between disbelief and despair. She worried about her children's future and the burden she would place on her family. Yet, as the initial shock subsided, Sarah found herself determined to make the most of her remaining time. She began to have difficult conversations with her family about her end-of-life wishes and worked with a lawyer to ensure her affairs were in order. Sarah also started a memory book, filling it with letters, photos, and advice for her children's future milestones. Mark's Perspective: The Spouse Mark Thompson, Sarah's husband of 20 years, felt as if the ground had disappeared beneath his feet. He struggled to balance Sarah's primary caregiver role with his job and parenting responsibilities. The physical demands of caring for Sarah took their toll, and Mark often found himself exhausted. He grappled with anticipatory grief, feeling guilty for mourning Sarah while she was still alive. Financial worries plagued him as medical bills mounted, and he reduced his work hours. Recognizing he needed support, Mark contacted a local caregiver support group in Newport. There, he found solace in sharing his experiences with others who understood. He also learned about hospice services, which provided much-needed respite care and guidance in managing Sarah's symptoms.
An Unexpected Diagnosis
Introducing The Book Club📚
I don't know about you, but I find it challenging to find the time to sit down and read. Listening to books on Audible has been excellent. Each month, I share a book with you. This month, we are shining a light on Worthy by @Jamie Kern Lima. As caregivers, we often feel like we are not enough or have not done enough. Jamie's book inspired me, was thought-provoking, and lifted me up. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Introducing The Book Club📚
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