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32 members have voted
New comment 4d ago
Where are you in the World?
Hello :) I am originally from Bulgaria - this is my home town - Vratsa - west-north Bulgaria. The picture is from there. Now I am in Malaysia :) Greetings from Klang, around 40 min drive from Kuala Lumpur :) What about you? Is anyone planning a trip to Malaysia or Bali in near future :)))
New comment Jan 28
Where are you in the World?
Asking for your advice and what you do about tooth brushing. Is baking soda okay to use? I know you don't have to use anything but I kind of like the idea of the possible whitening aspect of baking soda (or is that a myth)? One of my friends uses baking soda mixed with coconut oil. what do you think of that? I tried it. it's kind of weird and slimy in my mouth. thanks in advance for your input.
New comment 13h ago
Apple juice & weight gain?
I wanted to ask: what 's your opinion on fresh pressed apple juice in the morning? I started doing that because of gallstones - not that they are bothering me - and you read everywhere that they soften & shrink the stones. And I so much want to get rid of them. I know the only juice that's advised is citrus, because of the fiber. As a side remark: I gained about 14 pounds since doing that, but I've also eaten cooked vegetables in that same period, which I never did before. I'm eating totally overt fat-free. Do I have to quit the apple juice? Not that I'm really fat now, but I was quite used to feeling slim and I want that back.
New comment 1d ago
Hosting non raw vegans
Tonight, some friends come over, that are not eating raw, some even not vegan. And I will serve them zucchini wraps (Doug's recipe 😌🙏 thx!), with them also bringing some of the fillings. What do you serve when you host your family/friends?
New comment 2d ago
Hosting non raw vegans
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