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The 3D Artist Virtual Café is happening in 3 days
June 1st - Community Financial Update
Happy June 1st!!! As part of this community's pledge for transparency, I want to provide monthly financial updates so everyone knows where we stand. Carryover funds: $662.07 Total money collected this month (minus Skool fees): $171.75 Amount spent: $0 Total available to us: $833.85 The way it works: - Everyone pays a monthly fee to join and be a member (currently $20) - I contribute $99 per month to host the community and I threw $500 into the pot to get us started - Skool collects a 2.9% transaction fee (others like Patreon are 14%!!) - There are also some credit card fees (depending on which card you purchased with) - As we get rolling we can discuss how we want to spend these funds. - I promise someday I will build a fancier spreadsheet for this (or if anyone wants to do that, DM me!) - Any questions, post them below
New comment 14h ago
We got kicked off! LOL
If you guys want to continue, feel free to use the link for the coffee hour on Tuesdays, I opened the meeting!
New comment 19h ago
Less is more
Saw this quote today and it reminded me of what we were talking about in the call today, that less is more... “Color is only beautiful when it means something.” ― Robert Henri
Today's Community Hangout Recording is Now Up!
Shared here and in the Classroom! (Apologies again about the abrupt ending!!)
New comment 1d ago
Anything visually inspiring this weekend?
I was at the beach this weekend and saw some incredible driftwood huts. Super inspiring visually and thought about our conversation during a meet up on Friday. Anybody else get inspired this weekend?
New comment 1d ago
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A Community for Professional 3D Artists with Jobs and Training beyond VFX/Gaming by exploring Product Design, Apparel, Spatial Design and more.
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