Wix as a marketing site platform, recommend for non-SEO's building apps
I want to give some SEO insights from my expertise to all you folks, cause this is a great community.
If you're looking for a hosting platform for your app, I've always been a Webflow guy, but I'd like to give a shoutout to Wix for one reason.
Recently we started with a client that had no previous SEO experience at all, we got a little pipeline of 5 blog posts ready, published them all and within 1-2 days they were all indexed in insanely high positions. The reason for this was because of Wix's feature, that no other platform has that I know of.
Essentially it has to do with Schema, Wix allows you to implement any type of Schema onto any page on your site, generates it all for you and everything. So I wrapped rich results and "BlogPage" schema around these posts, and holy smokes does that work well.
Here are the results after literally 1-2 days in the screenshots. Ranked them #1 within a day even for one keyword.
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Adam Hamdan
Wix as a marketing site platform, recommend for non-SEO's building apps
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