Why do people buy milkshakes?
Imagine this: You're on a long, monotonous drive to work.
The road is stretching out before you, seemingly endless.
You're not quite awake yet, and you're not quite hungry, but you know you will be.
You need something, but what?
You pull into a McDonald's and order a milkshake.
It's not breakfast food, but that's not why you're buying it.
You're not hiring it to be a meal; you're hiring it to be a companion.
It's there to make your drive less boring, to keep your hands busy and your mind awake
It's there to slowly melt away, giving you something to focus on other than the humdrum of the road.
And it's there to keep your stomach from growling before lunchtime.
This is the 'Jobs to be Done' theory.
It's not about what a product is; it's about what a product does.
And more importantly, it's about what a product means to you.
So, the next time you find yourself buying something, ask yourself:
What job am I hiring this product to do?
You might be surprised by the answer.
And if you're a business, ask yourself:
Do I truly understand what job my product is being hired to do?
The answer might just revolutionize your approach.
Remember, we don't just buy products.
We hire them to fulfill a need, to complete a task, to make our lives a little bit easier, a little bit better.
And that, is a milkshake moment.
Robert Boulos
Why do people buy milkshakes?
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