Between consulting and building products, I haven't had the time to post well-crafted writing in this community the last few weeks.
I've had a number of people reach out to me saying they enjoy what I write in this group, so I have no plans to stop.
On the other hand, I've been progressing rapidly in my skills with low-code tools, and the results have been great.
Webflow + Wized + Xano
With these tools, MVPs of web apps can be spun up in way less time, with way less resources (people).
Don't get me wrong - it is still incredibly hard to build something people actually want.
But these tools allow you to iterate faster, and launch faster. And that is a huge competitive edge.
If you'd like to discuss this topic in more detail - join our free weekly call on Fridays at 1PM Eastern Time!
We now have a consistent group showing up on Fridays - and we are holding each other accountable to doing what we said we will do.
So drop in, ask questions, and share what you're working on!
Robert Boulos
Low-Code Community
We help Webflow Designers become WebApp Developers so that you can build SaaS without anyone else getting involved (and messing up your design!).
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