How Frank Slootman built three billion-dollar companies
Came across this video where Frank Slootman, CEO of Snowflake, discusses what he believes are the key factors that helped him build three billion-dollar companies.
Obviously there is a lot that goes into it - but I think there are a lot of takeaways that apply to any small/medium-business SaaS Founders.
  1. Struggle and failure are normal in entrepreneurship, but they are formative and can teach valuable lessons.
  2. Leadership requires conviction, courage, and clarity to bring people together towards a common mission and to create energy within an organization.
  3. To succeed, you need to choose the right elevator by picking a growing, expanding industry with good cards and knowing how to play them.
The whole video is worth a watch. He hits the nail on the head in many ways, especially when it comes to prioritizing speed and taking action.
Robert Boulos
How Frank Slootman built three billion-dollar companies
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