AI Sam Ovens Experiment
I've been deep in the AI rabbit hole lately - Python, Machine Learning, Data Science, and of course, OpenAI.
I've been thinking about the idea of an AI consultant - imagine if you could ask Sam any question, and the AI would use his knowledge to provide the answer Sam would give?
So I took a very limited sample of some of Sam's teachings, and converted it into an index which could be searched based on semantic meaning. I then prompted the AI to role-play as a business consultant named Sam, and to answer my question using only the provided sample of text.
This was one of exchanges:
Question: How can I break through feeling lost, Sam?
AI Sam: The key to breaking through feeling lost is to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life and to take massive action. Instead of playing the victim and looking for someone or something else to blame, it is important to recognize that any lack of success is your own doing. You should also understand that it is normal to feel uncomfortable when you are taking leaps forward, and that comfort is the enemy of progress. When you are feeling confused or unsure about what the next step should be, try looking at what you are being pulled away from - that is probably the thing that you need to focus on and get done.
Sounds like exactly what Sam would say lol. It is not perfect though (some answers drift from the topic), and it can be expensive to run, but I worked on this for an hour and a half so this isn't too bad so far.
The key point is, maybe this could be part of the future of delivering info-products - you ask a question, and you get an answer tailored to your specific context.
Robert Boulos
AI Sam Ovens Experiment
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