Jhori Remington
Don't be so "laser focused" with your ad account.
Don't be so "laser focused" with your ad account.
Here's a fun story from back in the day when I was working at a digital media agency.
Laser focused. t's a corporate buzzword, I get it.
We want to "laser focus so we don't miss any details."
But sometimes, zooming out and viewing the bigger picture can mean ALL the difference.
Let me explain...
Most people will view a winning ad in their ad account and think, "YES! I've finally found my unicorn ad concept. It's generated 27 sales today and driven a tremendous profit for my business! Let me laser focus on this ad and turn off everything else that doesn't have a good CPA or ROAS."
The logic checks out. Invest more of your $$$ into the stuff that's making your business money, on paper. Remove investment on ads that aren't generating a profitable return on each dollar.
But time and time again, I've seen the following story play out...
Step #1: Client sees winning ad. Client requests we scale winning ad, and cut budget on everything else.
Step #2: All investment gets shifted to that #1 asset.
Step #3: Like clockwork. Scale goes up slightly, and then, over the next few days or few weeks, performance plumets off the side of a cliff.
Step #4: The client is left bamboozled. Unsure of what went wrong.
Step #5: We need to restabilize the ad account and turn on the older assets. Or upload new, unproven stuff.
But why did this happen?
If the client had just taken a moment to zoom out and view how their ENTIRE Facebook funnel was operating, they could have saved their ad account from the impending doom.
Meta and TikTok are intent driving platforms at their core. That's what they're best at.
They sit at the tippy top of your entire customer journey. It's your job to maximize the volume and quality of people going through it.
But the funnel itself is not static. It's not black and white. Because users almost never purchase from your business the first time they interact with it.
They see one Facebook ad, then click off.
Three days later, they see your TikTok ad. They click to your website but then get distracted and never purchase.
The next day they do a Google search for your brand. Before purchasing, they view your Instagram and YouTube social accounts to see any reviews or comments. Then they do extensive competitor research.
AND THEN, almost a week after (or longer) from when they originally viewed a Facebook ad for the very first time, they make a purchase.
Do you really think Meta, TikTok, or any marketing channel out there is going to have proper attribution?
Hell no! It's an unsolvable puzzle.
But there's more to it than that...
Just because an ad doesn't have a profitable CPA, CPL, or ROAS...
Doesn't mean it's not making money for your business!
Because certain ads are really really good at getting NEW users engaged with your business. Or adding new, qualified users to the top of your funnel. While other ads are really really good at converting EXISTING customers somewhere within their buying process.
Remember, there's an average of 7 touch points before someone buys.
Which means you could have one ad that has a 1.1x ROAS, but it's delivering engaged users to another ad with a 2.3x ROAS.
If you turn the 1.1x ROAS intent/engagement driving ad off... you've now closed the top of your funnel for your high-converting creative.
The high-converting ad may perform well for a little while longer, but eventually it runs out of users to target at a profit.
The same theory applies with omnichannel marketing efforts. One ad on Facebook might have a mediocre CPA based on platform data, but it's secretly driving a ton of profitable branded search on Google and Bing!
Zoom out.
Think of the bigger picture before making brash decisions.
Your bank account will thank you! 🚀
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