I want to improve my networking starting with this community!
Hello all, I am based in beautiful Argentina, famous for Messi and horrible inflation figures. This is my second video that I am sharing. I am a business advisor and aim to offer as sales proposition my experience working for more than twenty years at the capital markets industry interacting with companies and investors and now carrying a new hat as an ontological coach that is where my passion is running in full motion. Criticise my video but do not remain silent! I am happy to book a meeting and chat just to know each other a little bit more. You can access my agenda at www.integritasteam.com. My latest video where I talk about ways to improve your networking: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7168676138125254657/?originTrackingId=ywF%2B%2B4RaTH6inkGyforFjg%3D%3D
Ricardo I. Cavanagh
I want to improve my networking starting with this community!
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