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Sharing Exercise - Introduction
Take a moment to reflect on how you would like to use this profile. What had you decide to take the Relationship Dynamics Quiz?
New comment Mar 4
Reflection Exercise - Ring Of Resolution
Journal about the underlying relationship gift you or your partner might have been championing, even if it wasn't immediately obvious.
New comment Mar 4
Skill Development Exercise - Tendencies
For one week, do a role reversal - make a deliberate effort to value and admire the opposite of your natural tendency. If you emphasize "Possibility" more than "Appreciation," try to focus on appreciation and vice versa. Observe how this shift affects your feelings, choices, and relationships.
New comment Mar 4
Reflection Exercise - Energetic Profile
Reflect: Did you see the energy described in your energetic profile? Were there moments where your energy might have been adding or taking away from the impact you would like to have?
New comment Mar 4
Reflection Exercise - Decision-Making Profile
Reflect on a recent decision you made. Consider the insights from your profile. Did your primary and secondary decision-making styles influence this decision?
New comment Mar 4
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Upgrade Your Relationship Skills, Rewrite Your Patterns, and Permanently Resolve Your Conflicts. Take The Relationship Dynamics Quiz Now!
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