David Finnegan
Updating the Bookclub Schedule for the Summer
Updating the Bookclub Schedule for the Summer
Hi all,
Trying a little experiment over the summer, we're going to slow down on the bookclub just a little.
So, instead of the usual schedule, we'll be testing out a six week schedule, where we'll do two check-in calls instead of one!
16th of May - Bookclub Check-in @ 7pm CEST
30th of May - Bookclub Check-in @ 7pm CEST
13th of June - Bookclub Summary @ 7pm CEST
I'll test this out over the summer and see how it works for everyone, before deciding if we stick to that cadence or not long term. But, in the meantime if you've got any thoughts on this change, please let me know in the comments!
P.S. incase you missed it - this month we're reading 'Good to Great' by Jim Collins.
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