David Finnegan
This Month's Product Bookclub Book is UX Strategy (2nd Edition)
This Month's Product Bookclub Book is UX Strategy (2nd Edition)
What's up friend! The year is just zipping by isn't it - I hope you all enjoyed Blink! I'm looking forward to the summary call next week (7pm CET on the 7th of March!)
This month, we're going to shift gears and read UX Strategy (2nd Edition) by Jamie Levy. The First edition was one of the first books I read on Strategy back in 2016 when I really felt myself taking this 'strategy' thing seriously for the first time.
When I heard that Jamie was putting out a 2nd Edition - it went onto my reading list, and I'm pretty excited to dive into it!
If you're a Product Strategist, UX Designer, or Product Manager - I'm confident you'll take a lot away from this book - so I hope you'll join me in reading it this month!
What’s Product Bookclub?
It's an online bookclub for the members of Product Synthesis - each month I’ll announce a new Product book that I’ll be reading throughout the month, and anyone in the community is welcome to read (or listen) along with me!
If you’re like me, and love reading, but don’t have enough people to discuss what you’re learning, then this’ll be perfect for you!
We’ll do a mid-way check-in call to discuss our findings on the 21st of March at 14:30 CET, and then I’ll do a live summary where we’ll go deep on the entire book on the 4th of April at 7pm CET to discuss and reflect on what we’ve learned together.
You’ll find the calls scheduled in the Calendar, I’m looking forward to seeing some of you there soon!
And, If you’ve got any questions - just drop ‘em below!
Cheers, David
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