🔍 How to Target a Niche and Boost Your Outreach
***Using Supergrow, I pasted in the attached Youtube link, selected a template, and voilà!
Old way:
1️⃣ Select your niche hap-hazardly.
2️⃣ Draft, edit, and send emails manually.
3️⃣ Make phone calls.
4️⃣ Figure out what to mail and when.
5️⃣ Engage with posts manually.
New Way:
1️⃣ Utilize resources like Conneqtor and Apollo to identify and search for your niche efficiently (example: Financial Advisors targeting CPAs).
2️⃣ Leverage AI-driven tools like ChatGBT and Supergrow to draft compelling LinkedIn connection requests and follow-up messages.
3️⃣ Use sequencing tools to set up automatic emails, manual emails, phone calls, and LinkedIn actions.
4️⃣ Find your prospects using tools like WealthFeed (promo code "proadvisorsuite) that provide a list of prospects with detailed information including net worth, lifestyle attributes, and LinkedIn URLs.
5️⃣ Schedule and manage your outreach sequence, spreading it out over one to two months.
New way > Old way
In essence, leveraging AI and automated tools could potentially improve your outreach strategy, making it more efficient and effective.
Have you given these tools a try? How has it impacted your outreach efforts?
Joe Moss
🔍 How to Target a Niche and Boost Your Outreach
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