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Introducing new Copilot features for Power Fx
They are stepping it up with Copilot in the Power Fx bar! Monday, April 29, 2024
New comment 12h ago
Need access to a course/product you purchased?
We're in the process of moving away from software or platforms we have been using to new ones that serve you guys better. For example, this Skool community instead of the Facebook group and our Kartra system. If you have purchased anything, but aren't able to access to what you purchased over on the "Classroom" tab, please respond to this post here in the comments below, and I'll get you squared away as soon as I can. Thanks! Darren
New comment 5d ago
Update on the Workshops - 4/29/24
One of the holdups on the workshops is video editing. We haven't abandoned the workshops at all. I just needed time to catch up on them. If you have any questions, feel free to direct message me here on Skool.
Get all our courses and a laptop!
747 Laptop Special - Link to these notes: - Link to get it: - A laptop to do your Power Apps development on! ---- This is a bonus item ---- Specs revealed down below - Annual membership to our Personal Pocket Coaching (PPC) ---- 365 "pocket-sized" videos for each day of the year ---- $894 value - The Ultimate JumpStart Kit ---- $249 value - The Ticketing System Course ---- This includes over 40 hours of instructional content. ---- $997 value - Full hour tutoring session with Kurt and/or Darren ---- $250 value - $2,390 + laptop value (up to $500) 🚀🚀 Launch your Power Apps career for $747 💯 Let us know what you think at
New comment 5d ago
$1 - Want to get a copy of all my Power Apps projects?
➡️ We will be creating a new Power Apps "JumpStart Kit" from scratch with this group here. If you're a member here, you will be able to download all my projects made from this new template (unless it was paid work for a client, or otherwise not make sense to). But, think of how valuable it would be if we all shared what we added in, improved, or built using the template we build together! 🤔 ⬇️⬇️ This is the link to sign up! ⬇️⬇️ 👉👉 👈👈 ⬆️⬆️ This is the link to sign up! ⬆️⬆️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - People can get locked in right now for $1 USD / month. 💹💹 - But this price is only going to go up! 🚀🚀 ...slowly... - Currently planning to slowly, but consistently, raise this membership price over time. - Perhaps +$1 a day. So, don't be surprised to see $2/mo. tomorrow... - Or, if in 2.8 years, it finally reaches the max of $1,000 (seriously, that's the max I can charge here on the platform 😂). - Can you imagine all the apps will be hosted here you'd be able to freely download and use? - How many apps will be available in 2.8 years? I'm sure those who browse here in 2.8 years will find the wealth of assets here are worth 1,000% that of the cost then. Who knows? 🤷🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️ - Whatever amount you come in at, that's the only low amount you'll have to pay forever... unless or up to the point you cancel / unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Accelerator students will always have free and open access to this group, even after your 12 months is up. 👉 - If you have purchased the JumpStart kit (v1.0), you'll always get access to the latest version of the JumpStart kit here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Complete action
New comment 6d ago
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