Jason Smith
Word Cloud Concept
Word Cloud Concept
In the workshop today (16 April) we talked about a word cloud. I gave a small description on how you could possibly do it, but wanted to get some additional thoughts, because it was an amazing idea.
My basic thoughts for beginner word cloud concept is this.
Create a gallery that expands the size of the screen you want it. In this case I am pulling from another app I have built so its a full screen gallery.
I currently have an SharePoint list where I have three main columns (XCoord, YCoord, and Word Cloud).
I currently have the XCoord and YCoord manually set, but this is where this groups hive mind could probably do same amazing things.
Keep in mind the XCoord and YCoord are based on the position of the screen. So if you gallery is 50w x 50h you would be able to assign the X and Y values between 0 and 50. In this case I select my Label and set the label X value to ThisItem.XCoord and the Y value to ThisItem.YCoord. This is how it moves the label around the screen in a word cloud format.
My quick thoughts.
  1. Try to show only the Distinct Items.
  2. Create a formula to count the number of distinct values and change the font size based off this count.
  3. Dynamically create the XCoord and YCoord.
  4. a. This would probably need some tweaking. Maybe put the largest count centered. Set the other X and Y to be based off this. Maybe have some sort of detection built in to make sure there is no "Collisions"
  5. Set the onSelect to make that work a variable. Now have your other gallery filtered off that variable.
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