Write something
Pick the Workshop
If I were to host a workshop this month, which topic would you find most compelling? - Building a highly engaged community - Content to attract ideal community members - The Winning Offer Formula - Cold To Client Conversion Events - The Self-Liquidating Community Model - Scaling With Paid Advertising Please answer ASAP so I can gameplan and schedule the event.
New comment 3d ago
Pick the Workshop
Watch 👀 THIS video FIRST (on 1.5x to save time)
Take the time to watch this video and truly understand the power of what you can accomplish with this platform. If you love numbers and are analytical, you’ll probably geek out on this! PRO TIP: Watch it on 1.25 or 1.5x speed to save time. Let me know what you think 🤔
New comment 6d ago
Watch 👀 THIS video FIRST (on 1.5x to save time)
Welcome 🎉- Introduce Yourself
Welcome to PackageSell 🥳 I'm honored you chose to join us! Don't forget to introduce yourself to the group and share your community and income goals. Let's Grow 😁🚀💰
New comment 1d ago
Welcome 🎉- Introduce Yourself
It's About Work-Life Balance for Me
My name is Anthony. I'm originally from NYC, but have been an Atlanta resident for over twenty years. My passion is building a community that helps average everyday working adults trade in their 9 to 5 slave jobs for a lucrative and ethical work-life balance thru entrepreneurship and business ownership. My strategy is to get trained and develop skills in online sales and marketing, and then use this knowledge to build such a community.
New comment 1d ago
A New Category for Posts - Fun Stuff
It doesn’t have to be all serious and all work all the time. What’s your favorite GIF or emoji?
New comment 1d ago
A New Category for Posts - Fun Stuff
1-30 of 183
I help GenX unlock monthly income without high tech by starting a paid membership group teaching what you love online.
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