Dec '23 (edited) in 💬 | General
[Start Here] Welcome to The Modern Data Community!
Hello! Welcome to The Modern Data Community.
The goal of this community is to help Data Engineers on small (or solo) teams confidently build modern architectures by simplifying key concepts, clarifying common strategies & learning from others.
Pumped to have you here!
By joining, you get instant access to tons of free content (see Classroom). Dive right in.
But even more can be unlocked by contributing to the Community, which I encourage you to do.
It works like this:
Contribute (post/comment) >> Get points (likes) >> Reach new levels >> Unlock content
❌ Do not post error messages looking for others to debug your code. That's why Stack Overflow and other tool-specific Slack channels exist.
❌ Do not use this community for self-promotion (unless Admin approved). We all know it when we see it.
❌ Do not create low-quality posts with poor grammar/spelling or that provide little (or no) value. These will be deleted. You can do better!
✅ Ask questions, share your experiences & overall be a good person. This not only helps everyone get better, but can help you unlock bonus content faster. Win-Win.
✅ Speaking of wins, share yours! Whether it's finally solving a complex problem, hitting a team milestone or starting a new gig - post about it. You'll get the props you deserve and it just might inspire somebody else.
✅ Take the time to craft thoughtful posts & always proof-read before hitting submit. We're all about quality here. High quality posts --> more engagement (aka you'll climb the leaderboard & unlock content) --> ensures the community stays enjoyable for everyone.
Here are a few links to help you get going:
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know:
  1. A quick summary of your data background
  2. What you're currently focused on
See you in the comments!
Michael Kahan
[Start Here] Welcome to The Modern Data Community!
A community of data professionals building architectures with modern tools & strategies.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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