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5 contributions to Modern Data Community
Metric Layer in dbt Core.
Hey team! One of my companies goal the following quarter will be to define an aggregated metric layer for rapid insight of business important metrics. I've done something similar previous but not with dbt. I'd like to know if anyone has done this with dbt core and how would be the best way to approach it. Thanks!
New comment 17d ago
0 likes • 17d
Hi Manuel, we were using DBT new semantic layer in my previous company. To be completely honest, the shift between the "old" metrics and the new semantic layer felt like a downgrade for us. But this could be different now, as some time already passed. What felt like a downgrade was: Unless your visualisation tool/bi application had a connection with DBT semantic layer (which we did not have), it means recreating individual SQL views for each metric. Our set up was the following: Dbt for metrics creation + additional SQL view to join all the metrics together + Tableau dashboard to create a report where users could select and compare metrics. The previous metric package was pretty easy to set up. It had some limitations in terms of calculations (like window sums etc) but we would get around it by building an intermediate model. The semantic layer offers better flexibility in terms of being able to use the same entity for more that 1 metric, so that's nice. But at the time there was only a Beta interface between SL and Tableau, meaning that we had to recreate all the metrics as individual SQL statement anyways. If I were you, I would double check integrations between DBT SL and your reporting tool. And of course, DBT releases updates quite often so would be good to check the current situation.
What's your Data Stack?
It's one thing to read articles or watch videos about perfectly crafted data architectures and think you're way behind. But back here in reality, things get messy & nothing is ever perfect or 100% done. Most of us are usually working on architectures that are: - Old & outdated - Hacked together - Mid-migration to new tools - Non-existent Or perhaps you're one of the lucky ones that recently started from scratch and things are running smoothly. Regardless, the best way to learn what's working (and not working) is from others. I believe this could be one of the best insights this community can collectively offer each other. So let's hear it. What does your data stack look like for the following components? 1. Database/Storage 2. Ingestion 3. Transformation 4. Version Control 5. Automation Feel free to add other items as well outside of these 5, but we can focus on these to keep it organized.
New comment 17d ago
2 likes • 17d
Storage: Blob containers DWH: Snowflake Ingestion: ADF Transformations: SSIS packages running on ADF (which I am not liking) + stored procedures in Snowflake. Version Control: nothing in place right now. I am asking for GitHub. Automation: ADF/tasks on Snowflake I am not super happy with my current Data Stack, I just joined last month though. I am now pushing to have GitHub for VC and move transformations to DBT to get rid of stored procedures and especially SSIS as much as possible. I am also considering other EL tools, but I am giving ADF a chance. I was considering Fivetran/Airbyte.
Ratio of data engineers to analytics engineers
What is the ratio of people in your organization who are working on your data integration layer vs your data modeling/transformation layer vs BI/Visualization layer? Regardless of job title, be it data engineer, analytics engineer, data analyst, reporting analyst, whatever, how many people in your stack are working just on data integration vs modeling? I ask because I've seen this fluctuate in the orgs I'm in based on tooling choice and the health of the system. In the best, most agile org, the ratio of data engineers to analytics engineers was 1:3 to 1:4. In the least agile, most frustrating (for the business stakeholders waiting on data and reports), the ratio was 3:1 to 4:1, totally reversed. Thus far, this has been a tooling issue. The choice of data integration tool caused an enormous amount of manual work to acquire data and put together all the orchestration pieces etc before it was available for modeling or transformation. Help me fight my bias and tell me what you've seen in your previous roles and in your current role
New comment 16d ago
1 like • 17d
1:2.In my case it is just me doing the DE work.But we have 2 consultants doing additional data modelling in the visualisation tool they use. Eventually I want to bring those transformations into Snowflake (using DBT). My aim is to convince my manager to make these consultants shift to DBT instead of doing additional ETL. To be honest, the set up is not ideal right now, but I yeah, I hope with the DBT shift things get better.
Data Career 101: How to Become a DE (w/ no experience)
Placeholder to leave comments on this lesson.
New comment Apr 11
4 likes • Apr 10
This year I switched from Data Analyst to Data Engineer. In my case, working with Data Analytics, I had some experience with Data Modelling, SQL and DBT. I was also picking up some small projects to get an understanding of the Engineering side of Data (e.g. migrating to the new DBT semantic layer or building a pipeline from a system to snowflake). In the end creating a small end to end project is what really made me gain the most experience/understanding of the tools and concepts.
[Start Here] Welcome to The Modern Data Community!
Hello! Welcome to The Modern Data Community. The goal of this community is to help Data Engineers on small (or solo) teams confidently build modern architectures by simplifying key concepts, clarifying common strategies & learning from others. Pumped to have you here! ==================== HOW IT WORKS ==================== By joining, you get instant access to tons of free content (see Classroom). Dive right in. But even more can be unlocked by contributing to the Community, which I encourage you to do. It works like this: Contribute (post/comment) >> Get points (likes) >> Reach new levels >> Unlock content ==================== 6 SIMPLE GUIDELINES ==================== ❌ Do not post error messages looking for others to debug your code. That's why Stack Overflow and other tool-specific Slack channels exist. ❌ Do not use this community for self-promotion (unless Admin approved). We all know it when we see it. ❌ Do not create low-quality posts with poor grammar/spelling or that provide little (or no) value. These will be deleted. You can do better! ✅ Ask questions, share your experiences & overall be a good person. This not only helps everyone get better, but can help you unlock bonus content faster. Win-Win. ✅ Speaking of wins, share yours! Whether it's finally solving a complex problem, hitting a team milestone or starting a new gig - post about it. You'll get the props you deserve and it just might inspire somebody else. ✅ Take the time to craft thoughtful posts & always proof-read before hitting submit. We're all about quality here. High quality posts --> more engagement (aka you'll climb the leaderboard & unlock content) --> ensures the community stays enjoyable for everyone. ==================== QUICK LINKS ==================== Here are a few links to help you get going: - Classroom - What's Your Data Stack? - Leaderboard - Work with me (Kahan Data Solutions)
New comment 20d ago
5 likes • Dec '23
Hello everyone, Thanks Michael for this community it is exactly what I was looking for! I'm an economics major, which for one way or another went to work as a Data Analyst. I recently developed an interest in Data Engineering topics, and through self learning I'm deep diving into this discipline. Currently I'm learning the basics of Software engineering and DevOps, while I work full time as a Data Analyst. For sure I will learn a lot and I hope to be able to contribute to the community as well!
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Verdiana Meloni
8points to level up
Interested in Data Analytics & Engineering topics

Active 1d ago
Joined Dec 27, 2023
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