Michael Kahan
What's your Data Stack?
What's your Data Stack?
It's one thing to read articles or watch videos about perfectly crafted data architectures and think you're way behind.
But back here in reality, things get messy & nothing is ever perfect or 100% done.
Most of us are usually working on architectures that are:
  • Old & outdated
  • Hacked together
  • Mid-migration to new tools
  • Non-existent
Or perhaps you're one of the lucky ones that recently started from scratch and things are running smoothly.
Regardless, the best way to learn what's working (and not working) is from others.
I believe this could be one of the best insights this community can collectively offer each other.
So let's hear it.
What does your data stack look like for the following components?
  1. Database/Storage
  2. Ingestion
  3. Transformation
  4. Version Control
  5. Automation
Feel free to add other items as well outside of these 5, but we can focus on these to keep it organized.
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