Omar Waseem
you have your first 5-10 users. now what?
you have your first 5-10 users. now what?
There’s this framework that we've used at Founders, Inc. to build all of our studio companies.
The companies that followed it have all gone from 0 to 1,000,000 million users or dollars raised (whatever they were optimizing for)
Build -> Measure -> Learn.
It’s exactly what it sounds like:
First, you build an MVP (minimum viable product).
It's the most dumbed-down feature set that your product needs to solve the problem of your first few users.
Ship that out to those first few users. (Build)
Track how they interact with that MVP. if it’s a software product, look at your Posthog (analytics), see where the drop-off points are, what screens are causing them to exit out, etc. (Measure)
Every Monday, you and the team gather all the info from the previous week and figure out what experiments to run next. (Learn).
If you iterate in week-long Build-Measure-Learn loops, eventually you'll be able to figure out what changes lead to the outcomes you want.
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