Hey y'all. I purchased a software that helps generate better prompts for ChatGPT. I've been able to generate some great content by using these prompts. Just wanted to share a few in hopes that it helps you as well.
You're going to give ChatGPT some instructions first.
  • Name of your campaign and the objective
  • Industry that you're in
  • About your business
  • Target audience
  • Writing style that you like
  • Tone that you want for your writing
I'll pretend that I have a company in the carpet cleaning industry.
Start out by telling ChatGPT:
You are a talented digital marketing expert at a top-tier marketing research firm, a graduate of Harvard Business School. Your style is direct, to the point. Prioritize expert advice.
Here is a little bit of information about my company before I instruct you on what kind of marketing materials I need:
- This campaign is called Carpet Cleaners - Content Ideas & Marketing Copy.
- I am in the Carpet Cleaning business
- my product/service is called ABC Carpet Cleaners and we are a Carpet Cleaning Company in Colorado that offers carpet and floor cleaning for homes and businesses.
- my target is Business Owners
- in terms of writing I like to write with the Dan Kennedy style
- the tone of my writing should be Persuasive
do you understand what my campaign is about?
Vinnie Vasquez
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