Forgiveness Meditation
I experienced MAL’s forgiveness mediation this morning as a magical portal. Yesterday, I spent a day in the abyss of my ego mind with stories of pain and suffering, hopelessness, helplessness. Mark has a gift with his forgiveness meditations, God moves through him in such a profound way. It reminds me of the transient, fleeting moments I can experience in nature that can never be recreated. I came upon this magical scene of hoary frost a number of days ago and then a few days later it was like it was never there. These beautiful moments and portals are a reminder of Reality and the Kingdom contrasted with the insane ego mind that is choosing to suffer in the present over its past suffering and projecting that into the future. “Reality is never frightening. It is impossible that it could upset me. Reality brings only perfect peace.” Lesson 52.
Karyn Mytrash
Forgiveness Meditation
LTC Ashram
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