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Hello! Welcome to the Local SEO Secrets Community! The goal of this community is to help local business owners rank better on Google and finally making the money that you deserve! If you haven't already watch the video to learn about this community and how to get the most out of it! If you are new to Skool (this platform) take a look around it's like facebook groups on steroids without all the distractions. Step 1: Introduce yourself by commenting below. 1. Tell us about your business 2. Tell us what you are currently doing for marketing, and how it is going? See you in the comments!
New comment Jun 6
Start Here 🚀
We are a new company and I've been working on getting our website to rank on Google. I went ahead and ordered the local citation package from Fatjoe. I also picked up a guest post package from SEO builder. (Both vendors were recommended in one of the videos.) Does anyone have any other guidance on ways to generate more backlinks? Thanks!
New comment May 28
Rankings dropped suddenly
Hi everyone! I have a website for a local business which I have created and indexed not so long ago. Looking at Google search console I have seen that the rankings on the website have dropped significantly. Is this normal for a new website? The website is and the keyword difficulty is very low. Any suggestions? I did delete a page from the website a couple of days ago, could this be the cause?
New comment May 25
Rankings dropped suddenly
New setting to rank higher on Google...
Google is doing everything they can to keep fake businesses from creating a Google Business Profile and this is great news for anyone with a REAL business. Here is a new feature they have added to your Google Business Profile to help you rank better. This takes less than 2 mins to watch and less than 2 minutes to execute so no excuse not to do it!
New comment May 24
New setting to rank higher on Google...
hello world
Hello everyone. I'm Teddy. I'm in Alaska and I am a property manager who is excited to learn more. Thanks for the invite Clay!
New comment Apr 29
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