Public group
39 members
All the most successful entrepreneurs started their companies with a couple other sharp friends.
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. This is an exclusive environment, for individuals looking to build a business, career, and themselves to their fullest potential.
Here we:
  • Have individual step-by-step courses made by real entrepreneurs that will teach you how to make your first $1,000 regardless of your skill set
  • Have podcast examples of real-time growing entrepreneurs
  • Create a buddy system so you can build close ties and follow the growth of someone just like you.
  • Weekly Mastermind: To bring together the world's finest minds and collaborate on ideas/problem solving
  • Goal sharing: to hold ourselves accountable
  • Foster a fun environment
  • Host in person networking events
  • Have weekly game plan calls and the option for personal game plan calls
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Public group
Everything you need to start making a profit this month
Make your first $1,000 with real life entrepreneurs.
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