Today, let's talk about sprouts: HAVE YOU EVER EATEN SPROUTS? WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THESE AMAZING THINGS? Here's a book recommendation: "The Sprout Book" by Doug Evans. Phenomenal stuff. Recipe recommendations for the day: Buckwheat sprout salad: buckwheat sprouts, spirulina, avocado, garlic, salt, and honey/stevia syrup. Buckwheat curd: soaked buckwheat groats, banana, carob (blend everything) + jam (berries + dates blended). I don't know how to start myself, so I'll just copy Egle Ronka's post here: SPROUTS and SHOOTS fill us with energy and give back VITALITY. They are even called MESSENGERS OF HOPE, sowing new life and possibilities in us. Seeds don't need perfect conditions to sprout, and everyone can handle home kitchen cabinet and window gardening. By providing them with moisture, the right temperature, and a container, new life begins, and a powerful green shoot emerges from a tough seed coat. 🌿 These green shoots are rich in vitamin A and B-group vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 or folate, especially important for expectant mothers in its natural form). They contain abundant minerals, over 60 trace elements, thousands of phytochemicals, and components that REVERSE DISEASES. 🌿 Sprouts and shoots can prevent the UNWANTED GROWTH of CELLS and stop their spread. It is highly advisable to consume them in cases of any cancers, tumors, fibroids, cysts. 🌿 They contain plant-based estrogens, creators of HORMONAL BALANCE, crucial for the endocrine and reproductive systems. They balance all body hormones in the best possible way. Support new mothers, menopausal women, men's fertility, puberty. Slow down osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, lower cholesterol levels. 🌿 Sprouts and tiny shoots supply the brain with amino acids and enzymes, pull out TOXIC HEAVY METALS, and help REJUVENATE and STRENGTHEN nerve cells. With high mineral salt content, they are involved in the production of stimulants. Yes, they can reverse Alzheimer's disease, dementia, brain fog, memory loss, autism, cognitive behavior disorders.