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Innovative AI Robot Climbs the Great Wall of China
A remarkable leap in artificial intelligence and robotics has been achieved by a groundbreaking company that developed the body for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). The video titled “THIS Company Just Created the Body for AGI — AI Robot Climbs the Great Wall of China!” showcases an AI robot conquering one of the world’s most iconic landmarks, demonstrating its advanced capabilities. Key Highlights: - Robotic Feat: The video captures the AI robot navigating the challenging terrain of the Great Wall of China, highlighting its sophisticated mobility and problem-solving skills. - Technological Innovation: This achievement marks a significant milestone in robotics, as the AI robot’s design integrates cutting-edge technology to perform complex tasks autonomously. - Potential Applications: The video explores the future implications of such advancements, suggesting potential uses in various industries, from construction to disaster relief. Revolutionizing Robotics The AI robot’s successful climb up the Great Wall symbolizes the transformative potential of AGI in reshaping our interaction with technology. As the video emphasizes, this innovation could pave the way for a new era of robotics, where machines can independently undertake sophisticated tasks. For more information and to view the impressive climb, visit:
Innovative AI Robot Climbs the Great Wall of China
Gen AI for Leaders in Business🏢
I found another helpful (and free) course on Coursera and wanted to share! In module 1, the course level sets the concept of Gen AI and the possibilities, specifically within the business industry at an enterprise level. While watching, I kept thinking of so many of colleagues I wanted to send the course to, to help assuage their fears, confusion, and misunderstandings of generative AI. It also includes a solid section on prompt engineering and use cases for businesses (creating job descriptions, difficult HR discussions, being a thought partner, agenda planning, etc.). After learning a few of these I immediately wanted to try them in a session with Chat GPT 4o, and it was working quite well to produce better results! This might not be new info for most people here but for me, it's already changing the game because I'm so new to gen AI and wasn't using it very productively. Link: Generative AI for Leaders | Coursera (it's actually part of 3 part course for MS365 CoPilot specialization, but you don't have to take them all).
New comment 6h ago
How to use AI more effective ...
some days ago i saw in a channel from Network Chuck an interesting AI tool. I like the way he teaches and expose "some kind of stuff". I am sure that the tool can be applied in Data Alchemy too. I hope you enjoy it and let me please know what kind of ideas you have using this AI tool (fabric). Here are the two videos , one from Network Chuck and the other from WorldofAI See ya later. 😉
New comment 13h ago
How to use AI more effective ...
MIT 6.S191
I've been working through this lately MIT open sourced this course as well as some of the code associated. Deffo worth a look
New comment 1d ago
Running list of GitHub repositories...
Hi all, just starting a list of running GitHub repositories for sharing, for both learning and projects. Feel free to drop any of your go-to's in the comments!
New comment 1d ago
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