Unsure how creators will interpret your brief? Send them a test project!
Looking to gauge to see how your creators react to a prompt? A key tip to see how a creator interprets a brief is to send them a test project. This will allow you to see how certain creators not only display their own creativity, but their personality and how this ties in with the content that they produce.
This test project will also show you how the creator speaks to camera (if they are speaking naturally and authentically, or if they are sounding scripted) and if they are able to follow certain prompts.
Things you can include in the test project are:
  • Have them find a random object in their house (e.g. a tooth brush)
  • Speak on three key factors of the product
  • Discuss three main reasons why you love the product
Once the creators send back their footage, you will be able to decide if you are looking to move forward with them and if you like the quality of content that they have produced!
Angie Cc
Unsure how creators will interpret your brief? Send them a test project!
Creative Converters
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