How to create Native content to TikTok
TikTok is known for its user-friendly interface, editing tools, and filters that make it easy for users to create and share short-form videos. To make the most of the platform, it's important to create content that is native to TikTok, meaning content that takes advantage of the platform's unique features and formats. By doing so, you can increase the chances of your content being discovered by the algorithm and reaching a wider audience.
Some of the most notable features of the app include:
  • Lip-syncing: users can lip-sync to popular songs, dialogues from movies or speeches, and other audio clips.
  • Filters and effects: TikTok has a wide range of filters and effects that users can apply to their videos, including facial recognition filters, colour filters, and special effects like time-lapse and slow-motion.
  • Duet videos: users can film themselves with another video playing side by side, often called a duet, and which is a great way to collaborate with other users or create creative content.
  • Challenges: TikTok is also known for its popular challenges, which are often tied to a specific song or hashtag and allow users to participate in a trending activity.
  • Live broadcasting: TikTok allows users to go live and broadcast their video to followers, also adding features such as live chat, virtual gifts, and polls to make it interactive.
  • Reactions: TikTok allows users to respond to a live video by recording a video of themselves while watching, known as a reaction video.
  • Virtual reality: TikTok users can use VR to create an immersive experience and make the video more visually appealing
By creating content that is native to TikTok, you can increase the chances of your content being discovered by the algorithm and reaching a wider audience. It also makes your content unique and engaging which will attract more followers and will increase the possibility of viral spread.
Which of these elements can you try this week? :)
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Molly Roseman, Creative Director
How to create Native content to TikTok
Creative Converters
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